World Geography & Civilizations

World Geography & Civilizations

PLC Team Members:

  • Roger Hess

  • Jackie Price

  • Steve Sisler

Course Teachers

  • Roger Hess

  • Jackie Price

  • Steve Sisler

2021-2022 Goal:

Prioritized Standards:

History 2020

1. Understand the nature of historical knowledge as a process of inquiry that examines and analyzes how history is viewed, constructed, and interpreted

  1. Gather and analyze historical information from a range of qualitative and quantitative sources. For example: demographic, economic, social, and political data.

  2. Gather and analyze historical information to address questions from a range of primary and secondary sources containing a variety of perspectives.

2. Analyze historical time periods and patterns of continuity and change, through multiple perspectives, within and among cultures and societies

  1. Evaluate continuity and change over the course of world history.

  2. Investigate causes and effects of significant events throughout world history.

  3. Analyze the complexity of events throughout world history.

  4. Discuss the historical development and contemporary impact of philosophical movements and major world religions.

Geography 2020

1. Apply geographic representations and perspectives to analyze human movement, spatial patterns, systems, and the connections and relationships among them.

  1. Evaluate relationships between the locations of places and regions and their political, cultural, and economic relationships using maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations.

2. Examine the characteristics of places and regions, and the changing nature among geographic and human interactions.

A. Geographic variables influence interactions of people, places, and environments

  1. Analyze, interpret, and predict the influences of migration and the distribution of human population based on reciprocal patterns.

  2. Analyze patterns of distribution and arrangements of settlements and the processes of the diffusion of human activities.

  3. Explain how altering the environment has brought prosperity to some places and created environmental dilemmas for others.

B. Geographic variables influence interactions of people, places, and environments

  1. Explain how the uneven distribution of resources in the world can lead to conflict, competition, or cooperation among nations, regions, and cultural groups.

  2. Explain that the world's population is increasingly connected to and dependent upon other people for both human and natural resources.

  3. Explain how migration of people and movement of goods and ideas can enrich cultures, but also create tensions.

  4. Analyze how cooperation and conflict influence the division and control of Earth.


  • Carry the banner of Littleton Public Schools, Arapahoe High School, and PLC work to raise student achievement and learning.

  • Be a champion of students concerning social, emotional, and academic success.

  • Maintain a respectful, collaborative, and optimistic mindset.

Heavy Norms

  • Create, administer, and collect data on Common Formal Assessments (CFA) during each unit of study.

  • Analyze student data to discuss and share effective practices within the MTSS model.