Performing Arts

Performing Arts

PLC Team Members:

  • Shawn Funk

  • Will Brooks

  • Kirk Schjodt

2021-2022 Goal:

100% of students in the Performing Arts Department will demonstrate developing proficiency in one or more of the following areas according to content specific rubrics in alignment with prioritized standards...




Prioritized Standards:

Priority standards are highlighted, Theatre:

  1. Create

    1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

    2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

    3. Refine and complete artistic work.

    4. Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experience to create artistic work.

2) Perform

  1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

  2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices and work for presentation.

  3. Convey meaning through presentation of artistic work.

3) Respond

  1. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

  2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

  3. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

  4. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

Instrumental Music:

  • Standard 1 (Expression of Music)

    • Concept 1: Perform music accurately and expressively demonstrating self-evaluation and personal interpretation at the minimal level of 3 on the difficulty rating scale

    • Concept 2: Performing accurately and expressively at the first reading at the minimal level of 2 on the difficulty rating scale

    • Concept 3: Participate appropriately as an ensemble member while performing music at the minimal level of 3 on the difficulty rating scale

    • Concept 4: Demonstrate requisite performance skill sets appropriate for postsecondary pursuits

  • Standard 2 (Creation of Music)

    • Concept 1: Improvise a stylistically appropriate vocal or instrumental solo over a given pattern of harmonic progressions

  • Standard 3 (Theory of Music)

    • Concept 1: Interpretation of notated musical elements and ideas

    • Concept 3: Evaluation of music using critical, informed analysis

  • Standard 4 (Aesthetic Valuation of Music)

    • Concept 1: Practice of appropriate behavior in cultural activities

    • Concept 2: Evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of musical performances

    • Concept 4: Knowledge of available musical opportunities for continued musical growth and professional development

Vocal Music:

  • Standard 1(Expression of Music)

    • Concept 2: Perform accurately and expressively at the first reading at the minimal level of 2 on the difficulty rating scale

    • Concept 3: Participate appropriately as an ensemble member while performing music at the minimal level of 3

    • Concept 4: Demonstrate requisite performance skill sets appropriate for postsecondary pursuits

  • Standard 3 (Theory of Music)

    • Concept 1: Interpretation of notated musical elements and ideas

  • Standard 4 (Aesthetic Valuation of Music)

    • Concept 1: Practice of appropriate behavior in cultural activities (audience etiquette)

    • Concept 2: Evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of musical performances


We will meet every Wednesday during our scheduled PLC time unless we are attending District PLC meetings.

We will presume positive intent.

We will advocate, promote, and support each other’s programs.

We will use the time efficiently.

Heavy Norms:

We will have our CFA (content specific rubrics) prepared by the end of August.

We will administer the CFA no fewer than 3 times a semester. Starting, mid-semester, and final.

We will review data mid Oct, beginning of Jan, mid Mar, and before we break for the year.