Women's Cultic Objects

Not only did women have their image used within cultic practices, they also played a role in those practices themselves. Archaeologists are still learning about the different roles women played in the cult, especially as some of those roles were more historically invisible; but artifacts, preserved paintings, and inscriptions help illuminate this area. Women of course had certain things unique to them for which they made supplication to ancient deities, such as fertility, pregnancy, and lactation; and we find cultic items that seemed to have been used as votives in these supplications (see artifacts #2 and 3). Aside from that, it seems likely that women played a major role in the cultic practices within the home, whether it be in caring for the household idols and altars or making food offerings. Another way in which women played a major role in cultic practices was through music. They sang, danced, and played instruments, such as the rattle on display (artifact #1) or what is seen in the pictures.

Artifacts on Display: