Tel Burna Excavation Project

The Tel Burna Excavation Project excavates the ancient site believed to be biblical Libnah, located in the Shephelah of Israel. The project is directed by Dr. Itzhaq Shai of Ariel University and Dr. Steve Ortiz of the Lanier Center for Archaeology at Lipscomb University. The principal areas of excavation are exploring a large Late Bronze Age (13th century BCE) Canaanite  town, including a cultic area, and the later Iron Age Judahite fortified town, including the newly discovered city gate. The summer of 2024 will mark the project's 14th season in the field.

Join us for the next season: June 23rd - July 12th, 2024!

Here you can learn more about the history of the project, its goals, results so far, and staff and associated schools.

Here you can learn about the site of Burna itself, including its location, occupational history, and its possible biblical identification.

Here you can learn about how to prepare to the dig, including a packing list, airport/airfare tips, and how to get phone service.

Here you can learn about what life is like on a dig, including daily schedules and what our accommodations are like.

Here you can learn about the lecture program, field school, and the courses offered for credit. 

Here you will find information about the costs for the weekend tours and a generic itinerary example.

The project is very active in academia and you can find a list of publications here.

If you would like to join us for the dig, here you will find information about the application, costs/payments, deadlines, and contact information.

Visit the project's site at