Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project

Principal Investigator: Dr. Peter J. Brand, University of Memphis 

Project Directors: Dr. Jean Revez, Université de Québec à Montréal 

Project Co-Director: Dr. Mark Janzen, Lipscomb University

The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project is a joint endeavor of the University of Memphis and the Université de Québec à Montréal in Canada. Joining the project in 2016, the Lanier Center team, led by Egyptologist Dr. Mark Janzen, focuses on the famous west wall of the Cour de la Cachette, which bears battle inscriptions from pharaoh Ramesses II and his son Merneptah. The overall goals of the project are to make a complete scientific record of all the hieroglyphic texts and relief carvings from the Hypostyle Hall, to make these inscriptions widely available to scientists and the worldwide public through traditional publications and via digital technologies like the internet, and to conduct scholarly research and analysis of the Hypostyle Hall to better understand those aspects of Egyptian civilization reflected in its inscriptions, including its history, religion, politics, society and culture.

Project Overview

About the Hypostyle Hall

Reliefs and Inscriptions
