Life on a Dig

Project Schedule

This is the estimated schedule for the entire season, though changes will be made as necessary all the way up to when we are already in the field.

Arrival (June 23)

Week 1 (June 24-28)

Week 2 (June 30-July 5)

Week 3 (July 7-12)


Early morning arrival at the site

Second breakfast

Pottery washing and reading

Daily Schedule

This is the average daily schedule for the work week while on the dig. It is subject to change, as necessary.

Sunday Afternoon/Evening:

Afternoon Arrive at the kibbutz, get rooms and settle in, possible pottery washing, and free time

(4:30 PM First Sunday, 6/23, there may be a tel tour)

7:00 PM Dinner

(8:00 PM First Sunday, 6/23, orientation lecture)


5:05 AM Optional Shacharit prayer service (the Jewish morning prayer); coffee/tea ad cookies for first breakfast (or whatever you purchase for yourself)

5:20 AM Leave for the tel

5:45 AM Start excavations

9:00 AM Second breakfast provided on top of the tel

9:30 AM Resume excavations

11:00 AM Fruit break provided on top of the tel

11:15 AM Resume excavations

12:45 PM Excavations end and we head back downhill to the cars and head back to the kibbutz guest house

1:30 PM Lunch (eave the kibbutz on Fridays)

2:30 PM Pottery washing until done (everyone must participate) and pottery reading

4:00 PM Free time, if pottery washing is done, though you can also participate in the processing of finds (this free time may start earlier or later depending on when pottery washing finishes)

6:00 PM Lecture

7:00 PM Dinner

8:00 PM Free time

Usually on Mondays, we try to schedule a field trip to another site in the nearby area, which will replace the daily lecture. Here is the average afternoon schedule for those days:

1:30 PM Lunch

2:30 PM Pottery washing (everyone must participate) and pottery reading

3:30 PM Leave for field trip

6:30 PM Return from field trip and free time

7:00 PM Dinner

8:00 PM Free time


5:05 AM Optional Shacharit prayer service (the Jewish morning prayer); coffee/tea ad cookies for first breakfast (or whatever you purchase for yourself)

5:20 AM Leave for the tel

5:45 AM Start excavations

9:00 AM Second breakfast provided on top of the tel

9:30 AM Resume excavations

11:00 AM Excavations end and fruit break provided on top of the tel

11:15 AM Tel Tour

12:00 PM Excavations end and we head back downhill to the cars and head back to the kibbutz guest house

1:00 PM Leave the kibbutz

Bathrooms at the Site

The Tel Burna excavation takes place out in the country, with no permanent bathroom facilities in place or nearby. We arrange for port-a-potties to be brought to the site, but due to the rough road up to the top of the hill, those bathrooms are usually located at the bottom of the hill (which is usually about a 10-15 minute walk, one way). 

If you are comfortable with it, you can also stay closer to the top of the hill and find a bush/tree to use as your bathroom site. The project provides toilet paper for anyone wanting to do this option.

If you have any stomach issues, we suggest you stay at the kibbutz guest house so you can have a decent bathroom nearby. If you feel up to it, you can work on processing finds while at the kibbutz during the work day.

Kibbutz Guest House

During the work week (Sunday afternoon through Friday morning), we stay at a guest house at the Kibbutz Netiv HaLammed Heh. The kibbutz is located right beside the biblical Socoh in the Elah Valley, where the biblical text indicates that David fought Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1-2). The kibbutz is a short drive away from the town of Beth Shemesh and about a half-hour away from Jerusalem.

The guest house is located in one area of the kibbutz and consists of rooms, a dining room, a multi-use area, and several outdoor seating areas. The rooms were either newly built or renovated in 2019.

Standard lodgings are 4-6 people per room. Rooms usually include 1-2 bunk beds,  2 normal beds, a TV, its own A/C unit, and a bathroom. 

Some rooms have a mini fridge and hot water kettle. There is also a communal fridge for those who have food or medications that they need to store (just be sure to put your name on your items). Space can be limited and so priority is given to the project and medications, but any space beyond that is up for grabs. There is also a TV, microwave, sink, and hot/cold water dispenser in the same communal area as the fridge. 

Finally, there is also a filtered cold water fountain that is perfect for filling up water bottles.

Store Days

We are fortunate that there is a small grocery store located on the kibbutz! You can find most of your food-, snack-, and incidental-needs here and they take credit card and cash.

The store is within walking distance of the guest house so you can go any time it's open, but we also can usually arrange for you to get a ride to the store on the way back from the tel or maybe during free time.

Sometimes, your car might also stop by the gas station on the way back from the tel, which also has a convenience store where you can buy drinks and snacks.

Finally, if you stay in Jerusalem on the weekends, you can also always visit the many stores around there.