Join Us!


The dates for the 2024 season are June 23rd through July 12th.

You should plan to arrive in Israel on the morning of June 23rd at the very latest, as check-in and orientation will be held on the afternoon and evening of that day (though we recommend you arrive on June 21 or June 22 to give yourself time to acclimate).

You should plan to fly out on July 12th, July 11th at the earliest.


The application deadline is somewhat flexible, though we ask that you apply/confirm your attendance by May 1st.

The application can be completed online on the project's website here or you can download the application below.

Please be sure to fill out the application completely, especially the health section including insurance and your doctor's approval.

If you are having trouble completing the application in time, please contact us by the deadline.

2024 Burna App.docx

Cost and Payment

The cost to participate in all 3 weeks of the project is $1775.00 USD.

If you cannot participate in all 3 weeks, you will be charged per week. The cost is $575/week, plus a one-time $50 non-refundable application fee. Thus, your costs based on number of weeks would be one of the following:

1 week = $625 ($575/week + $50 application fee)
2 weeks = $1200 ($575/week + $50 application fee)

The excavation fees listed above cover room, board,  most transportation, and project-related supplies ONLY from Sunday afternoon through Friday morning.

To pay, you have two possible options:

The payment deadline is May 1, 2024.

If you cannot pay the full amount by the deadline, it is possible to set up a payment plan or get an extension. For more information, please contact 

Refund Policy
In the event of cancellation of participation, the following refund policy will apply:

This refund policy is in effect since we order and pay for services according to pre-planned numbers of participants. Thus, we must have sufficient prior notice of cancellations so that we are not charged for these services. All cancellations must be done by email and must receive  written confirmation before they are effective.

There are no scholarships available specifically for this project, but you can apply for general excavation scholarships and use them for your tuition. These general scholarships are available from ASOR here and BAS here.

Traveling and Communicating/Paying with the LCA

The Lanier Center for Archaeology (LCA) serves as the American arm of the Tel Burna Excavation Project and thus offers a second avenue through which participants can communicate and pay, especially for those who may need to do so through domestic channels. The LCA also offers personalized advice and help when determining the details of your trip and participation.

Aside from that, arranging your trip through the LCA (meaning that, at the least, you share all your travel details with the LCA) means that you can participate in the LCA's transportation aid, when available, and have the option to stay with our group on the weekends.

For more information, please contact the LCA at

Contact Information

Israeli Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Dr. Itzhaq Shai
Director, The Tel Burna Archaeological Project
Ariel University
P.O.B. 3, Ariel 40700

American Contact Information
Phone number: 615-966-5995
Mailing Address:
Lanier Center for Archaeology
Lipscomb University
1 University Park Drive
Nashville, TN 37204