Our Core Practices

These practices are fundamental to our college and career program.

1. College and career prep are treated as core subjects. Taking counseling out of office and integrating it into the school day via our College and Career Prep class and Senior Seminar makes a post-secondary education accessible to all students, especially for those who are unsure if they belong in college. Both these classes also include assessments, so that students can see the value in and get feedback on what they are learning.

2. Create a college-going culture. We work hard to facilitate events and activities that help students see college as a legitimate, viable, and exciting option. Whether taking students on college visits so that they see people who look like them in college, holding financial aid workshops for families, hosting annual College Declaration Days, it is important that we help students see college as more than a pipe dream.

3. Internships. This semester-long experience equips students with work-based learning, so that they have the opportunity to explore a career interest within the local community.

4. All students are college-eligible. Our master schedule ensures that all students complete A-G requirements and participate in our Manufacturing and Product Design Pathway. Students take four classes a day (Humanities, Science, Math , and an elective aligned with our CTE pathway), all of which fulfill A-G requirements. As a result, all students are eligible to apply to a CSU or UC by the time they graduate. Additionally, there is flexibility in our schedule for juniors and seniors to participate in opportunities outside of school, such as community college classes or jobs.

5. Families as partners. We foster spaces for students to reflect on and communicate their intended college and career pathway. Triennial student-led conferences (SLCs) and end-of-year passage experiences also provide opportunities for the community to participate in this process.

6. Responsive support. We firmly believe in cultivating strong relationships with each student to identify the college and career pathway that best fits their needs. Whether that means supporting the student in applying for a scholarship, helping them navigate the community college pathway that best fits their interests, or giving them feedback on their UC application, we believe that post-secondary pathways assume a variety of forms.