The Risiera di San Sabba was built at the end of the 19th century as a rice husk plant and later became the only concentration camp of the current Italian territory with a crematorium. It was called "Polizeihaftlager", a police detention camp by the Nazis, and had three functions: eliminate prisoners -partisans, Slovenians and Croatian prisoners, political prisoner, and Jews-, sorting and transporting racially deported politicians to other camps, and tinally it was used to store goods stolen from Jewish communities along the Adriatic coast. After the end of World War II and until 1965 the building was used to host refugees fleeing the Eastern bloc. In 1965 the rice mill obtained the status of national monument and in the following years, the spaces were transformed thanks to the plans of the local architect Romano Boico and inaugurated in his present since 1975 . 

From top: the structure from the courtyard, the microcells, the Hall of Crosses.

Photos from: risierasansabba@comune.trieste.it

High external concrete walls were added to the exhisting structure, and the crematorium and chimney that had been destroyed by the fleeing Nazis were represented respectively by a plaque and a metal sculpture.

From the courtyard you can enter and visit the Hall of Crosses, where prisoners arrested for racial and political reasons had to wait to be deported to another concentration camp and a room with the microcells where Italian, Slovenia and Croatian partisans were often tortured before being executed.

The museum and memorial hall houses a statue of the victims of Aushwitz by the sculptor Marcello Mascherini.

Visiting the Risiera di San Sabba is an informative experience that allows you to gain a better understanding of the immense suffering endured by the Jews and other marginalized groups who were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered at the camp. The museum, though quite small, is packed with meaningful historical artifacts that provide insight into the atrocities that occurred at the site.

When you cross the San Sabba Risiera campsite, you cannot help but feel a sense of intense emotion for the enormity of the suffering that had occurred there. The weight of sadness and pain felt for the victims imprisoned and who died on the spot is undeniable. Despite these strong feelings, one feels grateful for the chance to learn about this dark period of history and to witness the stories of those impacted by the camp's operations. Overall, the experience of this visit leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the importance of actively engaging with history to build a more compassionate and tolerant future.


Here is a link for an interactive visit made by classes 2H and 3H of Marinelli.


pw:   MQD-BPD

We would strongly recommend purchasing an audio guide to accompany your visit, as it will enhance your understanding of the exhibits and provide valuable background information.

Every year the San Sabba Rice Mill is visited by about 100,000 people and there are commemorative services and educational and cultural activities such as temporary exhibitions.


Summer (April 1-September 30) 

every day 9-19

the last admission 18:30

Winter (October 1st-March 31st) 

every day 9am-5pm

last admission 4.30pm

The  admission is free

 via Giovanni Palatucci 5, Trieste

+39 040 826 202 risierasansabba@comune.trieste.it

Group reservations required booking. income.risiera@comune.trieste.it