As we said before, our region has been the theatre of many battles and events related to the wars that have lead to the liberation of the Italian territories. This section is devoted to the bloodiest events of the 20th century, World War I and World War II, the people - soldiers and common people- who died and the people who helped in the fight towards liberation.

We had the chance to visit some of these places of memories, Redipuglia and Risiera di San Sabba, which left indelible impressions we want to share through the documents below:
two pages of diary.pdf

Two pages of diary about the trip to Redipuglia and Risiera di San Sabba

page of diary.mp4

Finally we included an example of how an instrument first related to the war could become one of the best known elements of our shared identity

Frecce Tricolori in formation

After  World War II, many war tools  became a symbol of memory and  consciousness of those difficult times and united the people under a single flag to celebrate the resistance of an entire country. 

The Frecce Tricolori (tricolor arrows) are an example; used first during the war,  nowadays they constitue the acrobatic team of the air force.  During the events in which they perform , they continue to unite Italian people in a patriotic spirit.