A lot of us grow up in a country with traditions linked to a history that affects our vision of the world; all the costumes and the traditions influence our identity, our way of seeing things and our way of thinking. 

War, despite its cruelty, has always been one important thing in our history, being part of what each country was and sometimes even what it became thanks to them. We always talk about soldiers, war commanders and chiefs, but what about the other people? The people that no one talks about during wars, the ones that everyone says that can't make any difference: common people. The Carnic Porters were ordinary people, as were the partisans and everyone that was killed in the Risiera di San Sabba, but they all mutated the way that things would have ended and the way  we see some things today.

Later we will talk about these three groups of people that during wars were there to make the difference and changed history despite being normal people which you wouldn't think could make anything different.