
The objective was to prepare the students and acquire the necessary skills and abilities: clown activities in cooperation with the various associations and volunteers to give visibility to the project in the community.

Getting in contact with realities often unknown to the majority of our students who are more and more involved in a world characterized by the use of socials and technology that have to be complemented with other experiences.

Bringing smiles and laughter to people of all ages

Parents had the opportunity to be involved in the project through their participation in the event and by hosting the foreign students, seeing the final products of the project presented during the event, learning  about different cultural approaches sharing their own experiences

They had the opportunity to know each other and work together - to virtually visit the schools and learn about their system - to compare learning experiences - to know how to organize a clown group - to be trained in clown activities and visit a clown association.

They worked with volunteers of the association and professional clowns

The teachers had the opportunity to increase their skills and competences - improve their motivation and the quality of their teaching - learn about a different school system - to compare teaching experiences.

The students took pictures that were part of the projects containing all the information, to make a positive impact on other pupils.

During the meetings, the students, divided into international groups, prepared material such as songs, lullabies, bedtime stories to be used in future activities in hospitals.

Students in each school presented the materials to their classrooms in preparation for the future meeting and informed the community about the project.


Meeting: Who is the clown in hospital? - Becoming a smiling clown - The world of the children with Downs Syndrome - Hospitalization, problems and remedies - Hospitalization and the role of clowns in hospitals  - A smile in hospital - Isolation and depression, the new century problems - No    man is an island - How to deal with loneliness and isolation in our society - A Smile in the world of Alzheimer – Alzheimer’s cafè



Watching the movie "Patch Adams" - Discussion “Who is the clown in hospital?”

Becoming a smiling clown, activities to be used as clowns.

Awareness campaign #metooasmilingclown open to the public, everybody was asked to send a picture to make people laugh.

Online event opened with the videos and the presentations prepared by each school and the awareness campaign #metooasmilingclown.

Official Presentation of the logo.

Some activities in collaboration with the Alzheimer Café - a round table discussion on Alzheimer's with experts and presentation of best practices from each country.

Research on the situation, treatments, percentages of hospitalized children as well as the pathologies that oblige them to stay in hospitals for long periods.

Get a deeper knowledge of the situation of hospitals - by looking at the programs that hospitals carry on to help hospitalized children useful to improve their skills.

Each school got in touch with a local association of “Red Nose volunteers" to collaborate (Clown therapy Associations).


Workshops organized:

Conference in collaboration with VIP Verbano Onlus

Finding your Inner Clown

How to create a Stories, poems, rhymes

Hikikomori Onlus Social Cooperative 4 face-to-face meetings

"No man is an island" Ernest Hemingway

Ladies from the senior club at the Hospice “Światło” Association

Comparison of the results of the Alzheimer's survey with the results of the study conducted on the characteristics of the disease in each country

Preparation of exercises, games and useful techniques to be used with the elderly during visits to the Alzheimer Café

Alzheimer's caregivers, work in the hospital, Volunteers from Alzheimer's associations Alzheimer's inclusive landscape

Practical workshop at “Sassetti Theatre”, Alzheimer Cafè

At Cavalleri High School, to prepare flowers and butterflies

Workshop with Rodrigo Morganti - Practical guidelines about the techniques of clown therapy in different contexts and lessons to be done to prepare students.



Operação Nariz Vermelho - Núvem Vitória

Light Hospice Association: the aim of cooperation is to "infect" students with the energy of people who have experienced a difficult life situation and now appreciate every activity.

Hospice “Nadzieja”. The students of ZSE prepared  a concert for children from the hospice.

Nursing Home in Parabiago

Alzheimer Café to make the elderly suffering from Alzheimer smile.


International Days:



Students Mobility

Everyone was given the opportunity to study this reality from the inside and to collaborate with partners. The students kept a diary and prepared a product to be published