1 Claudio Cavalleri description.docx.pdf
Liceo Cavalleri an International School

School description

Claudio Cavalleri, situated 20 km far from Milan, has a population of 105 teachers (mostly women) and more than 1180 students (69% female) between 14/19 who have the possibility to choose among four courses: scientific, social studies, linguistic and sciences. Recently we have had a 20% increment in students that have chosen the sciences option and the social studies. Our school is situated in an urban area in the middle of a huge park and we have a lot of facilities.

We aim to offer good opportunities and facilities to all the ones that would like to study or work at a European level in a market characterized by globalization and competition, for this reason it is very important for our sts to have experiences and contacts with sts in other countries in order to develop their awareness of the European dimension through co-operation. This exchange of ideas and experiences fosters a deeper understanding of our place in Europe and develops a culture of friendship among sts from different schools, cultures and backgrounds. In the recent years Erasmus plus mottos -" Change your life, open your mind" and “United in diversity”- have been part of our school mission and we are sure that our teachers and sts will get benefits by working together, exchanging material, learning from each other, promoting social inclusion and European values. 

Our school has developed a partnership with several European schools (Belgian, Bulgarian, Welsh, Dutch, German, Irish, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish) with which we have been collaborating for many years on different themes but inclusion, integration and active citizenship have always been our priority. This project can be complementary to our project “Able and Disabled: let’s play together!" which aimed at promoting social inclusion and European values through sports by educating our students about the role of sport as a means of active social inclusion and to make our students learn how important it is to enjoy life in spite of physical and mental barriers comparing experiences. We also have a tradition of volunteering: groups of sts pay weekly visits in a nearby hospital to play with hospedalized children.

In our school we have an experienced Erasmus team composed by some teachers  that have brought new ideas and are ready to take over their colleagues' roles, if necessary.The team has been working on Erasmus projects for some years now and some of the teachers have had job shadowing experiences to reinforce their international competences. They teach subjects such as Italian, languages, art, history, social studies and physical education. In particular the p.e. teachers are experts in acrogym but they also have experience in working with children with problems. The project will be included in the PTOF.

Thanks to our European Developing Plan we aim at

Our internationalizing mission started in 1998 and since then we have been having Comenius and Erasmus projects, students’ exchanges, teachers’ mobilities, shortand long students’ mobilities.

In 2022 we will also celebrate the European Year of Young People and Erasmus+ will play a central role in this context. 

With our projects we wanted and want to promote:

Brochure Liceo.pdf