Carolina (IES Bendinat)

Mobility period in Italy: 12th September 12th November

Carolina was selected and the coordinator chose her carefully not to have problems. We planned the activities for only 2 months at the beginning of first term, from september to november 2022 so she would not miss too many classes. She hosted her partner Miranda from October to December 2022

After the selection the coordinator had several meetings with Carolina, her family and teachers. A language course was organized with the linguistic support since she did not know Italian at all and she had an online meeting with the national agency. Particular attention was devoted also to her preparation. She had online Italian lesson.

The mentor  was in charge of the management; she collaborated with the partner for the preparation of the learning agreement, the planning of the activities, the organization of travel, the family accommodation, the insurance and the linguistic and cultural preparation The mentor and the tutor were in constant communication.

She attended classes regularly, improving her language skills in Italian and English; furthermore she experienced the new language as an instrument of understanding a new cultural context. She was so  much involved in the lessons, that  the Italian teachers could  appreciate her work. Due to her cultural interests she succedeed in acheiving excellent results in English, Italian, Aleman, History, Philosophy and Pysical Education.

As a result  she had the opportunity to know the traits of the culture of the community and the country of the partner school, which she shared keeping  regularly an online diary and posting video and pictures on Instagram in order to involve their friends at home.

Allenor  (IES Bendinat)

Mobility period in Portugal:19th September -  19th November

Allenor was selected and the coordinator chose her carefully not to have problems. We planned the activities for only 2 months at the beginning of first term, from september to november 2022 so she would not miss too many classes. She hosted her partner  from Gennuary to march 2023.

After the selection the coordinator had several meetings with Allenor, her family and teachers. A language course was organized with the linguistic support, she had an online meeting with the national agency. Particular attention was devoted also to her preparation.

The mentor  was in charge of the management; she collaborated with the partner for the preparation of the learning agreement, the planning of the activities, the organization of travel, the family accommodation, the insurance and the linguistic and cultural preparation The mentor and the tutor were in constant communication.

She attended classes regularly, improving her language skills in Italian and English; furthermore she experienced the new language as an instrument of understanding a new cultural context.  She was very much  involved in the lessons so that the Spanish teachers could  appreciate her work. Due to her cultural interests she succedeed in acheiving  excellent results in English, Integration Area, Pysical Education, portuguese, Differentiated social Internention, Fundamental principals, Social politics, Social labs.

As a result, she had the opportunity to know the traits of the culture of the community and the country of the partner school, which she shared with others keeping  regularly online diary and posting video and pictures on Instagram in order to involve her friends at home.

Alessia (Liceo Cavalleri Parabiago) 

Mobility period in Portugal 18th October - 16th December

Alessia was selected and the coordinator chose her carefully not to have problems. We planned the activities for only 2 months at the beginning of first term, from October to December 2022 so she would not miss too many lessons. Another family hosted her partner Sara Tixeira Cruz from March to May 2023. After the selection the coordinator had several meetings with Alessia, her family and teachers. A language course was organized with the linguistic support, since she did not know Portuguese. She had an online meeting with the national agency. Particular attention was devoted also to her preparation.

The mentor  was in charge of the management; she collaborated with the partner for the preparation of the learning agreement, the planning of the activities, the organization of travel, the family accommodation, the insurance and the linguistic and cultural preparation The mentor and the tutor were in constant communication.

She attended classes regularly improving her language skills in  English and Portuguese; furthermore she experienced the new language as an instrument of understanding  a new cultural context. She was so much involved in the lessons and the Portuguese teachers appreciated her work. She had excellent results in English, Integration Area, Pysical Education, Portuguese, Differentiated social Internention, Fundamental principals, Social politics, Social labs.

She had the opportunity to know the traits of the culture of the community and the country of the partner school, which she shared with others  keeping an online diary and posting video and pictures on Instagram in order to involve her friends at home.

Miranda (Liceo Cavalleri Parabiago)

Mobility period in Spain: 22th October - 20th December

Miranda was selected and we  planned the activities for only 2 months at the beginning of first term, from October to December 2022 so she would not miss too many classes.

After the selection the coordinator had several meetings with Miranda, her family,  teachers and the Headmasters. A language course was organized with the linguistic support since she did not know  Spanish so well. Also she had an online meeting with the national agency. Particular attention was devoted also to her preparation.

The mentor  was in charge of the management; she collaborated with the partner for the preparation of the learning agreement, the planning of the activities, the organization of travel, the family accommodation, the insurance and the linguistic and cultural preparation The mentor and the tutor were in constant communication.

She attended classes improving her language skills in Spanish  and experienced the new language as an instrument of understanding a new cultural context.  She was very much  involved in the lessons and the Spanish teachers appreciated her work. She had excellent results in English, Math, Physics, Biology/Chemistry, History, Philosophy, Pysical Education.As a result  she had the opportunity to know the traits of the culture of the community and the country of the partner school, which she shared with others  keeping  regularly an online diary and posting video and pictures on Instagram in order to involve her friends at home.

Beatriz  (EPAR Lisbon)

Mobility period in Spain: 05th February - 05th April

Beatriz was selected and the coordinator chose her carefully not to have problems. We planned the activities for only 2 months at the beginning of first term, from February  to April 2023 so she would not miss too many classes.

After the selection the coordinator had several meetings with Beatriz, her family and teachers. A language course was organized with the linguistic support since she did not know Italian. Also, she had an online meeting with the national agency. Particular attention was devoted also to her preparation.

The mentor  was in charge of the management; she collaborated with the partner for the preparation of the learning agreement, the planning of the activities, the organization of travel, the family accommodation, the insurance and the linguistic and cultural preparation The mentor and the tutor were in constant communication.

She attended classes improving her language skills in Spanish and English and experienced the new language as an instrument of understanding a new cultural  context. She was very much  involved in the lessons and the Spanish teachers appreciated her work. She had excellent results in English, Integration Area, Pysical Education, portuguese, Differentiated social Internention, Fundamental principals, Social politics, Social labs.

She had the opportunity to know the traits of the culture of the community and the country of the partner school, which she shared with others  keeping  regularly an online diary and posting video and pictures on Instagram in order to involve her friends at home.

Sara (EPAR Lisbon)

 Mobility period in Italy: 20th March - 20th May

Sara was selected and the coordinator chose  her carefully not to have problems. We planned the activities for only 2 months at the beginning of first term, from March  to May 2023 so she would not miss too many classes.

After the selection the coordinator had several meetings with Sara, her family and teachers. A language course was organized with the linguistic support since she did not know Italian. Also, she had an online meeting with the national agency. Particular attention was devoted also to her preparation.

The mentor  was in charge of the management; she collaborated with the partner for the preparation of the learning agreement, the planning of the activities, the organization of travel, the family accommodation, the insurance and the linguistic and cultural preparation The mentor and the tutor were in constant communication.

She attended classes improving her language skills in Italian and English and experienced the new language as an instrument of understanding a new cultural context. She was very much  involved in the lessons and the Italian  teachers appreciated her work. She had excellent results in English, Integration Area, Pysical Education, Social politics, Social labs.  As a result  she had the opportunity to know the traits of the culture of the community and the country of the partner school, which she shared with others  keeping  regularly an online diary and posting video and pictures on Instagram in order to involve her friends at home.

The long-term mobility was a very fruitful experience for ALL THE PUPILS, as the collaboration was constructive. 

All of them were given the opportunity to study the reality from the inside and to collaborate with partners, but at the same time they were in constant contact with friends by sharing pictures, considerations on social media, so the impact on the school was remarkable. Communication, sharing experiences was very important, the students kept a journal and prepared products that will be published. 

When they came back they spread their experience, and we think there will be a benefit from the direct exchange of ideas. As for the impact of concerns about long-term student mobility, it was measured by questionnaires administered to students, their parents and teachers to learn about the positive and negative aspects of the experience. 

Particular attention was paid when students was reintegrated into her classroom and teachers helped her review what they had missed during her time abroad.

Based on her achievements, all teh students was given a certification attesting to her skills and accomplishments.