2nd Grade

2nd Grade is a continuation of 1st Grade Music using more difficult song literature to expand our musical knowledge. Throughout second grade we continue to use solfege notes and also learn about quarter rests and half notes/half rests. More dances, instrument activities, and motor skills games are also added.

In 2nd Grade students can:

~Listen and move to music from a variety of cultures and composers

~Listen to, sing, and move to music in a variety of meters (2/4, 4/4, ¾, 6/8)

~Listen to and sing music in a variety of tonalities (Major and Minor)

~Play a variety of instruments with correct notes, rhythms, and techniques

~Learn the notes La, Do and possibly Re

~Continue to work with quarter note, eighth note, and quarter rest rhythms

~Learn half note rhythms

~Recognize a repeat sign

~Know Forte (LOUD) and Piano (soft)