Opportunities for Advanced Musicians

Gifted Education at LU

Providing a rigorous curriculum and high expectations for students in all areas of education is a priority at Liberty Union-Thurston Local Schools. This includes not only the identification of gifted students (as required by the Ohio Department of Education), but also providing services for those students. You can find more information about general gifted services at LU here.

Why gifted?

Gifted services help us identify and focus on the very best opportunities for our gifted musicians. While sharing students' work in performance is important, there are also benefits to students when we officially recognize, document, and strategically stretch their abilities. Gifted identification can give students an advantage when applying for selective programs. It also gives students, parents, and teachers opportunities to work together to create SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals for students in order to focus on areas of both strength and weakness. We strive to help students reach their fullest potential. Follow this link to see the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Standards for Gifted Programming for Pre-K through grade 12.

Gifted Identification

How does identification work?

    • Begin with a referral by the student, parent, teacher, or peer
    • Student is evaluated by a trained individual using the behavioral checklist
    • If score falls within the screening range, proceed to the performance assessment

Find complete information on Gifted Identification in Performing Arts from the Ohio Department of Education here

For more information please contact:

Emily Fisher, Vocal Music Teacher: emily.fisher@libertyunion.org740-862-4126 (MS) 740-862-4107 (HS)
Kathy Simonson, Gifted Intervention Specialist: kathy.simonson@libertyunion.org740-862-4126 (MS)
Sara Hayes, Coordinator of Gifted Services: sara.hayes@libertyunion.org740-862-4171 ext. 4152

Opportunities for Musicians

How do we challenge musicians of all levels at LU?

    • Perform solos and/or ensembles at OMEA contest
    • Involvement with musical productions
    • Audition for solos featured in home concerts
    • Sing the National Anthem at sporting events
    • Accompany the choirs, ensembles, or soloists
    • Participate in All-County Choir events
    • Piano class with unique repertoire chosen to meet the needs of each student
    • Differentiated instruction in 6th grade general music, particularly piano-based instruction and PBL (Project-Based Learning)
    • High quality workshop experiences through Broadway and Disney World
    • Attend workshops and performances at colleges such as The Ohio State University and Capital University
Sources referenced:
Cash, R. (2017). Advancing differentiation. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit.Kettler, T. (2016). Modern curriculum for gifted and advanced learners. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.Rimm, S. B., Siegle, D., & Davis, G. A. (2018). Education of the Gifted and Talented. New York: Pearson.