HS Choir Handbook

Liberty Union High School Choir

 2023-2024 Handbook

Mrs. Emily Fisher, Director


Good communication can prevent problems throughout the school year!  My primary form of communication is through email. I encourage you to email me at emily.fisher@libertyunion.org or contact me at 862-4107 at the high school at any time with questions or concerns.

Grading breakdown:

60% - Assessments (performances)

30% - Knowledge (music theory assignments, recordings)

10% - Responsibility (meeting rehearsal expectations)


Being a member of LU Choirs is a privilege.  Students are expected to have exceptional standards for musicianship, work ethic, and personal integrity at all times.  Every effort should be maintained to create a supportive and encouraging environment in which all students may enjoy singing and performing with others.

Performance Absences:

Performances are students’ opportunities to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have developed throughout the previous weeks and months of study and rehearsal.  Occasionally circumstances occur which cause a student to miss a performance. If a student’s absence from a performance is excused, it is the student’s responsibility to make an audio recording of himself or herself singing the correct part on all concert pieces.  The student must complete this assignment within one week of the concert. The grade given will be based on the student’s performance with consideration given to the student’s experience and ability level. Most importantly - plan ahead.  Most conflicts can be avoided.  

In order for an absence to be excused, the parent must send in an email or note of explanation for the students’ absence within one week of the concert.  Unexcused absences will result in a zero for the assignment. Without parent contact, no absence will be excused. 

Excused absence: personal illness significant enough to be absent from school, family emergency
Unexcused absence: work, no transportation, athletic practice         

When concert conflicts arise with athletic games, please let me know as soon as possible so that we have time to work out solutions.  


We try to offer plenty of fundraising offerings for students to be able to pay for uniforms, trips, and also contribute a great deal to funding general expenses of the groups.  Fundraising helps us pay for transportation, sheet music, guest conductors, accompanists, and other needs essential to the groups.  

Music Boosters:

All choir parents are invited to come to music booster meetings, held the first Tuesday of each month in the HS band room at 6:00 pm.  

Supplies needed every day:

Folder, music, pencil

Concert Attire and fees:

If you have a uniform from last year, please try it on and make sure that it fits!  Uniforms must be paid for in full before they will be given to the student for performance.  Payment is due by October 6.  If purchasing a uniform causes financial concern, please let me know as there are ways that I can help.  Alterations may be needed once you receive your uniform. If you need help with this, please ask.  See the uniform subpage for more information.