Learning From Remote Learning Experiences 

What can we learn from remote learning pedagogies during lockdown?

'In a research project that I was part of after one of the first lockdowns in the pandemic, I conducted a series of interviews with children who were talking about how they felt about going back to school after a period of remote schooling. One of the children in their interview said to me,  "I don't want to go back to school because the teacher stops me from learning!" Now, when we unpacked that together, it was about the child having spent that period of lockdown learning self pacing their activities. They knew what they needed to do over the course of a day'

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith (Founder of PedTech) P PedT 6b 

How can we consolidate on the gains made during periods of remote learning?

'The children in front of us today have different kinds of digital skills because of the pandemic. We can use those in teaching and learning to give this next generation of children not only the catchup that they so deserve, but also to fulfil the potential that they uniquely have going forward'

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith (Founder of PedTech)  PedT 6c 

Consolidating on remote learning

'And particularly with our learners who have additional needs, we found that that self paced learning, the ability to stop, rewind, pause and go back and rewatch the content, has a big impact on their learning and understanding the curriculum.'

Paul Edge (Deputy Headteacher, Ribblesdale School) PedTech Rib 4 

What can learners learn from the remote learning experience?

'You know what, Stephen Heppel, proposed a counter argument and was very clear in saying they're not missing out, they're just learning in a different way. And we need to just acknowledge that. In other words, if you just apply what we offered during remote learning to what would have happened in class, we're not valuing what happened at home during that most extraordinary time.'

John Galloway (Inclusion Consultant) & Carol Allen (Education Advisor for IT and Inclusion)

A pan London group of schools and subject advisors, facilitated by Katy Potts in Islington, worked together since March 2021 to capture the effective legacy of Remote Learning, we think you may find these policy addendums on Legacy Remote Learning (EYFS, Maths and English) a great support for Subject Leaders. They explore effective remote learning but also provide a narrative around classroom use of technology and the importance of parental engagement and the role IT can play. 

Research papers linked to quotes above:

Luckin, R. et al (2021) Shock to the System: Lessons from Covid 19

All Party Parliamentary Group (2021) Lessons from Lockdown

Wise, R., (2004) ‘Dopamine, Learning and Motivation’ Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5'. pp.483-494 

What is Flipped Learning? 

Aubrey-Smith, F., (2019) A simple and inspiring use of ed-tech to boost learning 

Muller, L., and Goldenberg, G., (2021) Education in times of crisis: effective approaches to distance learning. Chartered College of Teaching