Pedogogical Choices

Does it matter what we say aloud when we use technology in school?

'In particular for children who are either reluctant readers or older children, who maybe for whom reading stamina is an issue, they say if I've got a long bit of feedback, it's sometimes really hard to take in, and by the time I get to the end of it they have forgotten the first bit. So what teachers can do really effectively there is to spread short voice notes throughout the course of a piece of work so that the children can hear the feedback in real time. So there's a really powerful application for teachers talking to people with technology as well'

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith (Founder of PedTech) PPedT 5a

How have you evolved your pedagogy?

'Our pedagogy has really evolved in quite a short space of time. Technology has allowed teachers to understand their children more, as a teacher you're getting more from your children.'

Emma Potter (Vice Principal and Teaching and Learning Lead at LEO Academy Trust) LEOPedT 5

Do technologies define our teaching strategies?

'We know from the research that different kinds of technology encourage us to use different kinds of pedagogies. So the key thing for us as teachers to think about is when we choose technologies for our teaching and learning, what kinds of pedagogy are those technologies encouraging and what kinds of pedagogy do those technologies subliminally embed within our teaching and learning practises.'

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith (Founder of PedTech) PedT 11

Does it matter what we say out loud when we use technology?

'It is very important to make sure that we're speaking out loud when we're using the technology is the technology is a tool. As much as it can be there to support the learning within that classroom. It changed the role of the teacher. The teacher is there to make sure that that technology can be accessed and be used in the correct way. '

Lee Small (Assistant Headteacher and 21st Century Learning and EdTech Development Lead, Ribblesdale School) PedTech Rib 10

Research papers linked to quotes above:

Aubrey-Smith, F., and Evans, S., (2022) "Why 1:1 device access unlocks the most powerful learning" Education Executive