T & L - Application

How have you used technology to support reading comprehension?

'The impact of using the technology means that all children are able to access the same text, even if they're working at different reading speeds, fluency, and also their current ability for where they came'

Matthew Clements (Y4 Class Teacher, Cheam Fields Primary) LeoPedT -

How can we know when technology is and is not the right tool to use when teaching and learning?

'Our teachers are really at a point now where they know that there is no expectation for them to use technology if it's not the right fit. And I think that's a really important point for schools to get to where they realise that technology as a tool can be hugely powerful, but it also doesn't work in every context. And I think what we're beginning to see now is we're a few years into our application of technology is that teachers really understand that and that's a really central part of the way they work.'

David Maguire (Headteacher, Coupals Primary Academy) PedTech12

What is the impact of using technology in the context of reading comprehension?

'As you submit it, I will be able to see all of your answers, so I'll be able to see if there are any common misconceptions and we can look through and we can address it altogether in real-time.'

Matthew Clements (Y4 Class Teacher, Cheam Fields Primary) LeoPedT 1

Maths and Tech

'They were then able to replicate exactly what I was modelling on their own Jamboards at their desks. They weren't just purely watching me, they got to have a go in exactly the same way that I had modelled.'

Natasha Dolling (LEO Academy Trust Director of Maths) LeoPedT 10

What role does technology have in your everyday T&L?

'It [technology] makes every lesson accessible for all the students in the classroom. So those who might have visual impairment are able to view the screen and something that we are showing them at the front of the classroom on a 75 inch screen.'

Mark Birtles (Senior Teacher, Highfurlong School) HF PedTech 4

Research papers linked to quotes above:

- Karaseva, A., Siibak, A., & Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P. (2015) Relationships between teachers` pedagogical beliefs, subject cultures, and mediation practices of students’ use of digital technology. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 9(1)

- Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Ertmer, P., and Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., (2016) Understanding the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and technology use in education: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Educational Technology Research and Development, pp.1-21.

- Shibli, D., and West, R., (2018) Cognitive Load Theory and its application in the classroom. Impact: The Science of Learning (2)