Effective legacy of Remote Learning for School and Subject Leaders – Collating Best Practice and Subject Policy Examples for Primary Schools and Early years

During the pandemic schools and families across the UK and the globe achieved incredible innovation and success maintaining their school communities and learning remotely.

A pan London group of schools and subject advisors, facilitated by Katy Potts in Islington, have worked together since March 2021 to capture the effective legacy of Remote Learning, with the aim to:

  • Draw on the good practice schools developed and utilised during both periods of school closure and lockdown, consolidating ideas with subject experts including: Maths, English, Science, Early Years and SEND specialists.

  • Support schools with re-imagining their teaching & learning policy, including embedding the impactful use of technology for learning across all curriculum subjects and to give subject leaders and teachers the confidence to innovate using the IT equipment procured during lockdown, inc DfE Chromebooks, with the aim of developing pupil outcomes.

  • Explore terms such as Blended Learning, Flipped Learning and Flexible Classrooms, as well as planning support for a range of school scenarios and pupil / family needs.

  • Provide practical policy templates and resources to support school, phase and subject leaders in effective remote and home learning, as well as use of technology and Edtech in the classroom.

  • With thanks to over 30 senior leaders and subject / teaching & learning advisors from 10 different London boroughs, who formed the working groups detailed with the Outcomes and Policy Resources for English, Maths and Early Years.

The Process included:

  • Observations of Live and recorded Maths and English and EYFS sessions during the final week of the March Lockdown

  • Visioning and collaboration sessions with Stephen Heppell and subject leaders, advisors and associations

  • Maths, English and EYFS. Working groups of pan schools, supported by subject association and advisors.

These subject focused groups conducted school based surveys and evidence gathering with children, families and staff, collating evidence in case studies and contributing to subject specific policy addendums.

Facilitated by: Katy Potts - Computing & E-Safety Lead (Islington LA)

Graham Macaulay - Director of Technology for Learning (LEO Academy Trust)

Phillip Hedger - CEO (LEO Academy Trust)

Professor Stephen Heppell - an expert advisor.