LPS Technology Staff

Department Staff

The LPS Technology Department is comprised of two groups of staff, one being staff who work in educational technology and the other being staff that work in operations technology.  

Educational technology staff are Digital Learning Coaches that work closely with teachers in schools across Lexington.  These staff provide professional development, coach individuals and small groups on how to integrate technology into various curricula and they also serve on all district curriculum review committees providing valuable insights as to how technology can support teaching and learning for all students and educators in Lexington.

Operations technology staff are field technicians and technology support specialists who support computing in schools by repairing devices for both students and teachers.  Devices include 1:1 computing devices that students use (Chromebooks), iPads, document cameras, projectors, and a myriad of other devices which may be used in the daily life of a school.  In addition to field technicians, the operations technology staff also includes staff that support the ongoing maintenance of our district network, phones, account creation, device deployment and the daily "tech" operations of the district.

The department also has a Technology Coordinator who oversees the procurement for the department, manages purchases, inventory, and supports the daily work of both educational and operations technology staff.

Lastly, the Director of Innovation and Instructional Technology oversees both branches (educational and operational) of the technology department in Lexington Public Schools.  The director's role is to collaborate with stakeholders across Lexington to ensure that technology supports teaching, learning and operations in a way that is thoughtful and aligns with the district's mission and vision.  The director develops the annual capital budget and five year capital plan which supports all technology purchases and this is based on the district's technology plan, curriculum, device replacement cycles and current technology standards applied to schools.  

Educational Technology Staff

Elementary Digital Literacy Coaches (DLCs) are assigned to two schools and split their time between those schools. 

Middle School Digital Literacy Coaches (DLCs) are assigned to one school.

High School School Digital Literacy Coaches (DLCs) are assigned to one school.

Operations Technology Staff

Field Technicians are deployed either across schools (elementary) or are at just one school (middle and high school)

Other operations staff are located at the LPS Central Office and support all schools in Lexington.

Technology Coordinator

Kristen Keough

Director of Innovation and Instructional Technology

Thomas Martellone