1:1 Computing in

Lexington Public Schools

One to One Computing

Lexington is fortunate, through local capital funding, to be able to offer 1:1 computing for students in Grades 3 through 12. It is important to note that while having digital devices available to students is beneficial, we cannot stress enough that the best 1:1 initiative is always the interaction and support that take place between a teacher and student. Digital devices help support the teaching and learning that takes place in those 1:1 relationships.


The LPS Technology Department has chosen Chromebooks as the device to use in 1:1 computing for students across grades three through twelve. Chromebooks are a common choice in many school districts for the following reasons:

  • They are easy to deploy and manage across an entire district.

  • They work well with G-Suite for Education tools that are commonly used by schools and districts.

  • The devices have a long battery life and are easily portable.

  • District field technicians are skilled at repairing Chromebook devices.

  • Chromebooks are highly cost effective and can be supported through the local budget.

  • Chromebooks are net neutral devices and work easily on the LPS network.

Computing Devices

As a part of 1:1 computing, the LPS Technology Department and District manage student devices. This allows us to deploy applications and extensions to student devices and use settings which support student safety. Our district does NOT allow a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment. Students are therefore not allowed to use their own computers/devices in school for several reasons.

Asking all students to bring their own device would create inequities due to not every student potentially having a device to bring or some students having better devices than others.  By providing students devices issued by the District, we ensure that every student has a device that we are sure will work across the various platforms and resources/tools we ask students to access.

Additionally, cyber security is an important consideration in having students use devices on school networks.  If students were to bring their own devices, there is no way to ensure that every device would have the appropriate virus and malware protection software on the devices which would protect the district network against possible cyber crimes and other situations which may endanger student, staff, and district data.

Lastly, the District has trained field technicians in the Technology Department that are able to repair student devices when they are broken or not working properly.  In a BYOD environment, if a student device is broken, that may delay access for them to partake in classroom activities and learning.  Field technicians could not possibly know how to fix every personal device that could potentially be brought into school and there is also level of liability for us to work on private devices.

Just as the district provides low-tech tools to students (calculators, pencils, etc.), we do not ask permission for students to access and have these devices as they are considered a necessary tool that supports learning both in and out of school and help provide equitable access to all students. That being said, students are expected to use devices in and out of school in ways that are consistent with district implemented acceptable use policies and responsible use guidelines. We look to collaborate with parents and families to support the use of these devices in ways that are appropriate to student learning.

Elementary 1:1 Computing

Students in grades three through five have access to 1:1 computing in classrooms, with each classroom housing its own computer cart and devices assigned to individual students. Students in these grades do not take the devices home, and teachers are mindful about the amount of screen time that students have in class each day. Device use can be characterized as "episodic" meaning that students may use devices for short periods of time across various content areas (reading, math, writing, science, social studies). At each elementary school, grade two has a shared cart across the classes where students begin to have some use of Chromebooks periodically over the course of their second grade year. Students in grades two through five have Google accounts (no email) which allows them to log into G-Suite for Education tools such as Google Slides, Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Drive to store work. Additionally, teachers in grades three through five also use Google Classroom to help assign and manage student work. Google Classroom is Google for Education's learning management system.

Middle School and High School 1:1 Computing

Students in grades six through twelve also have access to 1:1 computing which looks slightly different than elementary schools. Similar to elementary students, students at these levels also have access to G-Suite for Education tools such as Google Slides, Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Drive to store work. Additionally, teachers also use Google Classroom. Students above the age of thirteen have access to email and the ability to email people both in and outside of Lexington. Students in the middle school below the age of thirteen are able to communicate only with teachers and trusted adults in the school.

Unlike elementary schools, students in grades six through twelve are able to bring devices back and forth between home and school and have the added responsibility of caring for said devices. Device use is not episodic, however, teachers continue to be mindful of student screen time.

Students in grade six are issued a device upon entering middle school and it is expected that the device will be cared for in such a way that the device will last them through grade eight. Similarly, students in grade nine are issued a device at the beginning of their high school experience and it is expected that they care for the device in such a way that it will last them through their senior year.