WiFi Accessibility

WiFi Accessibility at Home

High School and Middle School students use devices throughout the school day and often times, will need their devices to complete assignments outside of school. During the day, WiFi access is provided through our schools and campuses.

At times, students and their families may not be able to provide WiFi in the home setting for a variety of reasons. In these cases, the Lexington Public Schools are able to support students on a limited basis. The guidelines below outline the support that the district is able to provide.

Kajeet SmartSport WiFi Devices
The district (Lexington Public Schools) is able to provide Kajeet devices to students and families that need a short term solution for WiFi access at home. Kajeet Smartspots are a mobile hot spot that is able to provide Internet access for students to complete necessary work outside of school. In order to qualify for a Kajeet, there must be a demonstrated financial need which is supported through verification in our LPS finance office.

Providing that there is a qualified/demonstrated need, the district will provide, free of charge, a Kajeet mobile hot spot for a period of two months. During this time, families are expected to pursue other avenues which would be appropriate for them to secure WiFi in the home setting. The district will communicate with families after 2 months to see if Internet has been secured. Devices are available from the start of the school year through the last day of school. Loaned Kajeet SmartSpots will be collected at the end of every school year and reissued, if needed, at the start of the following year.

Families should be investigating home Internet options while using the Kajeet SmartSpot. Comcast

The Kajeet SmartSpot is programmed to not have Internet access after a certain time at night. This setting is standard across all devices loaned by Lexington Public Schools. Additionally, devices can be tracked in regards to the content that is accessed via the device.

Families can reach out to school counselors if they believe they have a need for a Kajeet SmartSpot. An agreement must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian prior to the Kajeet SmartSpot being loaned. Kajeet SmartSpots are distributed from the LPS Central Office at 146 Maple Street in Lexington. A link to that agreement form can be found below.

LPS Kajeet SmartSpot Parent/Guardian Consent Form

You can click HERE to access a PDF download about Kajeet SmartSpot. Additionally, you can view the video below which provides a brief overview.

Do you have questions about Kajeet SmartSpots? You can reach out to the LPS Technology Department at lps-technology@lexingtonma.org