Summer School

Credit Recovery refers to students who are taking summer school or night school courses to recover credit for courses they have failed or courses where they have earned no grade as a result of their attendance (i.e., earned an N). Students who have earned a failing grade in a course may participate in a preapproved summer/night school class to earn a maximum of four credits. Students who have not earned a grade as a result of their attendance may participate in a preapproved summer/night school class to earn a maximum of two credits. LHS credits for these courses will be awarded, and grades for said courses will be recorded on the student’s LHS transcript. Grades for the summer/night courses will not factor into the student’s LHS Grade Point Average (GPA).

Please note: Lexington High School does not offer summer school classes. Students who need to complete summer school for credit recovery will need to do so through another school district. Schools that offer summer school are listed on the form below.

2021 -Credit Recovery Preapproval - Summer School