Mental Health Resources


Links to further information are provided where sections are underlined. 

Samaritans: 1-877-870-4673 (call or text)

Free, 24/7 confidential services

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988

Call, text, or chat. Available 24/7,  provides free, confidential support for people in distress, prevention, and crisis resources. 

The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386

Free, 24/7 national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young people. Associated with The Trevor Project

TrevorText: Text "START" to 678678

Free, 24/7 confidential services for LGBTQ+ young people. Associated with The Trevor Project.

Advocates: 800-540-5806 or 800-640-5432 for 24-hour crisis support

Lexington residents: mobile crisis support when it's needed, where it's needed, including in home crisis stabilization and mental health assessments.

Boston - Best Team: 617-884-4357

Boston residents: mobile crisis support sends clinicians to homes, schools, outpatient clinics, and other community locations; provides mental health assessments

Greater Boston PFLAG Parent & Caregiver Helpline: 866-427-3524

When you call this number you will leave a voicemail and receive a call back shortly from someone who is ready to help you.  Local chapter of PFLAG, a national organization for LGBTQ+ people, their parents and families, and allies. Confidential support and resources. 

Mental Health Providers and Supports

Links for further information are provided when sections are underlined. 

William James INTERFACE: 888-244-6843 

Are you looking for a mental health provider but unsure where to start? Are you limited on time and need assistance locating a provider that fits your needs? The William James Interface Referral Services is a FREE and confidential service now available to ALL Lexington residents and students in Lexington schools. The service maintains a mental health and wellness referral Helpline Monday through Friday, 9 am-5 pm, at 888-244-6843 (toll-free). Through the Helpline, callers work with a Resource and Referral Counselor who will help them navigate the challenges of finding mental health services. Each caller will be assigned a lead counselor who will provide matches to services, as well as provide information and resources about mental health and wellness.  Click here for a short video regarding the services INTERFACE offers. 

Provides supports for all Lexington residents. Call above number or email to reach Melissa Interess, LICSW, Human Services Director.

Lexington Youth Counseling Connection ( or 781-862-0330 

Youth Counseling Connection (YCC) provides free and accessible mental health support to youth and families of Lexington through counseling, student drop-in hours, support groups, and community-based programs. YCC's goal is to improve the emotional wellness of youth in our community. All cultures, religions, genders, and sexual identities are welcome.

Local chapter of PFLAG, a national organization for LGBTQ+ people, their parents and families, and allies.