9th Grade

August, 2023

Hello from the Counseling Department, and welcome to LHS! 

You may have noticed that for one of your scheduled blocks, you have two classes listed that are titled, "Counselor Seminar- 9th," and "Study/Sem 9th." An example of this for block A1 is below:[S 1] CS9-041

Counselor Seminar - 9th


Medugno, Matthew


[S 1] SS9-001

Study/Sem 9th


Iannuzzi, Jason



The "Counselor Seminar-9th" class is your Freshman Counselor Seminar block. Counselor Seminar is the Counseling Department's developmental counseling curriculum whereby school counselors teach small-group grade-specific classes at different times throughout the year. Our freshman counselor seminars are tentatively scheduled to begin on Wednesday, August 30. If the classroom # for your "Study/Sem 9th" class is not listed on your schedule, it likely means your schedule was printed before the classroom #s were added into Aspen. Therefore, please go back to Aspen, and reprint/screenshot your schedule, and you should see the appropriate classroom #. 

We hope this clears up any confusion regarding this block that appears to have two classes existing at the same time. However, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to see your school counselor. 

Thank you, and best of luck to a great start of your school year!

August, 2022

Hello from the Counseling Department, and welcome to LHS! 

You may have noticed that for one of your scheduled blocks, you have two classes listed:

"Counselor Seminar- 9th," and "Study/Sem 9th

An example of this for block A1 is below:

[S 1] CS9-041

Counselor Seminar - 9th


Medugno, Matthew


[S 1] SS9-001

Study/Sem 9th


Iannuzzi, Jason



The "Counselor Seminar-9th" class listed on your schedule is your 9th Grade Counselor Seminar block. 

During the first rotation of the school year (August 31-September 9), beginning on Day 1, August 31, please make sure to attend the course listed “CS9- Counselor Seminar - 9th” with your assigned school counselor. 

*** Please note that on Tuesday, August 30, you will attend your “Study/Sem 9th” study hall, and NOT the “Counselor Seminar- 9th” class ***

If you are not scheduled for a Counselor Seminar, your counselor will be following up with you.

Thank you, and we can’t wait to meet you!

LHS Counseling Department