LHS Profile

View/download our most recent School Profile  below.  This page will also provide during-the-year updates and additional context/information for post-secondary program representatives that could not be included in our profile or that has changed since the annual publication.  

COVID-19 Updates 

This section will list updates related to COVID-19 the occur after the profile has gone to print, including any changes in instructional delivery, grading, or extra- and co-curricular activities.  

Additional Information

Grading Scale

Our GPA is calculated on a 4.0, unweighted scale.  Some students may have over a 4.0 GPA as an A+ grade may be given which is worth above 4.0.  However, A+ grades are not universally utilized in all classes.   

Curriculum Guide & Course Descriptions 

Our Curriculum Guides summarize the course titles and levels that are offered in each department.  Our Program of Studies include course descriptions, prerequisites, credits, and course policies. 

2021-2022 Curriculum Guide

2020-2021 Curriculum Guide 

2019-2020 Curriculum Guide

Program of Studies 2020-2021

Program of Studies 2019-2020

College Matriculations 

With graduating classes of over 550, a comprehensive list of matriculations of even a single class would be over 175 different institutions.  As a result, we have opted to provide a diverse sampling of schools on our profile, while hosting the full from the last three graduating classes here. 

Web Copy 2018-2020 Matriculated Colleges