Calculus Project



Unlike any initiative in public education to close the achievement gap in mathematics, the Calculus Project is designed to increase the number of students of color who enroll in AP Calculus. The importance of enrolling in high level math classes cannot be underestimated.

Not only does the rigor of an honors or AP math class prepare students to excel on standardized tests (e.g. MCAS and SAT); but more importantly, those students who are capable of advanced mathematical thinking have more post-secondary educational opportunities available.

Students who engage in the Calculus Project participate in a variety of opportunities to strengthen their math skills. They attend challenging yet fun enrichment courses in the summer where highly qualified instructors pre-teach core mathematical concepts prior to enrollment in high level math classes during the school year.

Students become members of an entering “affinity cohort” in order to provide support to each other. Students are taught that success in mathematics stems from hard work and not an innate ability established at birth, as well as learn how to work collaboratively within groups in and outside of the classroom.

They discover how mathematics is applied in the real world through classroom activities and field trips (this experience is enhanced when they have an opportunity to meet African American and Latinos who work in STEM professions during a speaker series that takes place during the summer).

All of these supports as well as the challenges of rigorous mathematics curricula lead Calculus Project students to achieve at the highest levels in high school and beyond.

CALCULUS PROJECT will meet in the Photonics Building located on BU's campus. 8 St. Mary's Street, Boston.