Fulmer's School Counseling Program


Our program's vision is guided by our school's commitment to continuously grow and promote life-long learning for all students and adults (including our faculty, staff, parents, and other stakeholders). This growth and learning will reflect in our students' academic, career, and personal/social successes.


Our program's mission is to provide a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate counseling program for all students (6th-8th grade) through the implementation of guidance and counseling activities and services in a collaborative effort between home, school, and community. This mission aligns with our school's mission. We aim to inspire all students to develop into mature life-long learners by offering a safe, positive, and nurturing school climate. Our program supports that collaborative effort by advocating for systemic change.

Twelve Interesting Facts about Professional School Counselors

  1. We have a Master's degree in School Counseling.

  2. We focus on 3 major areas: personal/social, career, and academic counseling.

  3. We are trained in crisis counseling, including issues such as threat of suicide, grief, and abuse.

  4. We often refer students/families to mental health and other community resources.

  5. We have a national governing body called the American School Counseling Association.

  6. We abide by a code of ethics.

  7. We maintain student confidentiality unless a students is in danger or threatening harm to self or someone else.

  8. We provide short-term counseling--often solution-focused therapy.

  9. We maintain a non-judgmental approach.

  10. We are no longer called Guidance Counselors. The term Guidance Counselor was used to describe a teacher who gained additional credentials to help their students with vocational guidance (i.e., what our Career Specialist now does). This outdated title belittles the training that School Counselors now receive in their programs. School Counselors are trained on how to work in the complex educational system while also working with the multiple dimensions of student development in a mental health setting.

  11. We reach students through individual, small group, and large group (classroom) counseling services and teaching--which also makes us educators.

  12. We consult with families, teachers, administrators, law enforcement, community agencies, and mental health professionals.

Learn more about the school counseling profession, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), and the standards that I use in my lessons HERE.