Destruction of the Old Mill Building

Rush Thomas, Sophomore

Fall, 2017

Former site of the old warehouse

We all know of the old Gamble Robinson Co. Warehouse, perhaps better known as the Old Mill Building, that was located on the West Feeds site. Recently, it was demolished to make room for a new park which will contain a marketplace, pavilion, and an amphitheater. The warehouse was torn down separately for the city, but the West Feeds building, which is located on the same lot as the warehouse,will have a restaurant and brewery built inside.

Although the warehouse was over one hundred years old, it had not been classified as a historical place yet, so the plans to make the site into a public place had won over plans to get it classified on the historical places register. Because of this, the warehouse was demolished for the new park area.As of September 14, 2017 the warehouse has been completely demolished, with the plot filled in and smoothed over. At this point, the next step is to prepare for the amphitheatre as well as to make the rest of the plot ready for the continuation of the build.

Jeff Southworth said he wasn’t revealing much until April. When he was asked whose idea it was about the restaurant, he answered, “Oh, it was my own idea; but I started it with my sister, Julie Walsh.” He continued,, “I’ve been planning this for about two years now, and I had had my eye on the West Feeds building for a while and it had been put up for sale recently so I bought it, and started from there.” Mr. Southworth also mentioned as to why he started now, “Well, the building had been put up for sale, but the marketplace and amphitheatre area had been started on as well so it was good timing."

So, everything the new builds are bringing is the restaurant with brewery, an amphitheater, pavilion and marketplace. With the entire project estimated to be finished in 2018, citizens will have to wait before seeing the new additions to Lewistown.