Treasures of Lewistown

by Carley Carpenter, Senior

October 25, 2016

Lewistown, Montana, located in the very center of the state, is home to approximately 6,000 people. Living in a town this small, it is easy to say that there is nothing to do, but there is much more than what meets the eye. Lewistown offers a wide variety of year-round activities for people of all ages. Of course, there are family activities and things for adults to do, but what about those of us in high school? There are plenty of things for teenagers to do, you only have to be creative!

The majority of opportunities for fun adventures probably comes in the summer. To cool off in these hot few months, there are numerous water activities to get involved in! You can float Big Spring Creek with your friends or family, or simply head to one of the many swimming holes on the river for an easy swim with little current. If you’re looking more for a day of swimming, head out to Warm Springs, the world’s largest natural spring, for a picnic and a day of water, volleyball, or just relaxing in the shade. There are also a few lakes to journey to, including Ackley Lake and Crystal Lake. Here you will enjoy fishing, camping, or even water skiing! If you’re looking for something a little more active, you can take a short drive to one of the five mountain ranges surrounding Lewistown and walk, bike, or run the four mile round-trip hike. At the summit, you will enjoy a stunning view of Lewistown and the surrounding areas; you can even pack a lunch to have a picnic in the cool mountain air. And don’t forget about the fair! Late summer brings the event to Lewistown, where you are able to ride carnival rides, eat good food, view concerts or rodeos, or just simply socialize.

In fall, there are still plenty of activities to be part of. Kick off the cool season by heading to the Chokecherry Festival where there will be food vendors, business stands, games, and the Chokecherry Run with differing lengths. This is a great event for people of all ages, and a great opportunity to shop around for items not found in Lewistown. There is also the chance to work or ride on the Charlie Russell Choo Choo train that runs through the fall and winter months. When riding, you are served a well prepared prime-rib dinner, and if you work, you get to eat too! If this isn’t your thing, you might enjoy taking a day trip to Upper Missouri River Breaks for some pictures, hiking, or river activities. Looking for something a little more relaxing? Head to the Slipper Ann Elk Viewing where you have the chance to watch elk return to their land for an annual mating ritual. Hunting is not allowed in this area, but there is plenty of excitement to behold without it! Often, elk will engage in a sparring match for land or female, and sometimes elk lock horns just for the fun of it.

As fall ends and winter descends, there are still numerous things to do around our small town! Rent some ice-skates and head to the ice rink for some easy skating or competitive hockey. Take some family or friends to one of the huge hills around Lewistown for fun sledding and other snow activities. Enjoy a day trip to Showdown Ski Hill for a day of easy or challenging skiing or snowboarding.Visit the annual Christmas Stroll on main street where you will find food vendors, sales in stores, and bright bonfires in the street to warm up. Winter also brings opportunities to hunt, and there is plenty to hunt around Lewistown. From deer to elk to fox, you can be sure that your hunting experience will not be boring!

When winter finally ends, and spring is in the air, be sure to get outside and enjoy the newly warm weather! Take a stroll through the trails with a friend, family member, or even pet, and if you want something more challenging, the trails are great for running as well. Drive over to the Fish Hatchery, which is the largest cold water hatchery in the state; the hatchery produces over 130,000 pounds of fish every year! For an easy day of fishing, walk down to the Frog Ponds where you can ensure success. Spring may be a busy time of year with school winding down, but this is also an opportune time to find a job. You can begin working in the spring if you wish, or simply ensure the job for the summer months.

Although Lewistown may be a small community, there is definitely plenty going on to keep the people here satisfied. The best part of the town is that, if you do not wish to socialize, and consider yourself an introvert, Lewistown is the perfect place to tuck away and enjoy your solitude. On top of all this, Lewistown inhabits a comforting community with beautiful scenery, and wonderful people.