The College Fair

By Elizabeth Craven


October 3, 2016

The College Fair is an event in which all of the juniors and seniors get the opportunity to learn about careers and school opportunities after they graduate. This program involves many of the surrounding colleges, including some as far as Colorado and Oregon. The schools varied largely in type, from the military to culinary schools. Junior, community, and four-year colleges also attended the fair. “This event is very helpful, especially for ones who know very little about what they want to do after high school,” stated Mrs. Durbin, the FHS counselor.

A significant bonus to going to the event is the drawing at the end. The students who attend have their names put into a hat. The incredibly lucky winner who is drawn out of the hat earns a scholarship worth 1,000 dollars!

For those students who have not yet attended a college fair, Mrs. Durbin suggests to “be open and willing to visit with the different colleges.” The most effective and simplest way to gain information is to communicate with the representatives; ask them questions and be ready to listen. Also, it is a good idea to go to booths that seem irrelevant to what the students already have in mind for their future. This will broaden the list of opportunities and options and perhaps even cause the student to change their mind about their plans for the future completely. For example, It’s not a bad idea to visit a culinary booth even if the idea of becoming a chef has never come to mind; it might open doors the student was unaware of.

Many students enjoyed this program because it showed them more diverse possibilities for the future than they had known about. Mrs. Durbin declared “The College Fair was very successful this year. It’s good for the students to have this kind of opportunity.” This success was a combined effort from everyone involved in the event and was pulled off very well. It helped those students who truly needed it. The College Fair has helped develop the idea of limitless freedom when it comes to choosing a path for creating a life.