
by Jordyn Fogle, Senior

January 4, 2017

Part 1

Nothing could have made tonight any prettier to nineteen year old Billa Kaulitz, the leaves had just finished turning and were starting to fall. The city lights were casting a hazy orange glow on the night sky above the city. If Billa tried a little she could see a few stars twinkling or maybe they were satellites. She had heard a few of her friends talking about how many of the stars they think they see are really just satellites reflecting the sun’s light.

Billa sat down on her sofa, playing with her long brown hair whilst watching the news, which was boring her to death. However, right when she was about to change the channel, something caught her eye.

“Tom Trümper, age 23, green eyes, black hair, tattoos, about six feet tall has escaped Berlin prison. Citizens are advised to stay indoors and lock all windows and doors. He is believed to have stolen a black Range Rover with the license plate B-1592058. Trümper is a dangerous man and is not to be messed with,” The reporter announced. “Tom Trümper is wanted for murder, theft, abuse, and kidnapping. Once again, citizens are advised to stay indoors.”

Tom Trümper, the most wanted criminal in all of Germany. Everyone, including Billa, knew who he was.

As Billa switched channels on the TV, the lights suddenly went out and the whole house became dark. Looking around the room, Billa gulped and started to shake like her blood had frozen solid. Having a fear of being in the dark, along with a dangerous crook being on the loose, Billa started to tremble even more. Taking a shaky breath, Billa used her phone as a source of light.

Looking around her home for a flashlight or a candle and lighter, Billa groaned at the lack of supplies she had. Thinking about another alternative, Billa recalled her next door neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Kleinschmidt. They always helped Billa out, especially when she had nothing in her house. However, there was only one problem. They lived approximately twenty minutes away from her home.

The joy of living in Magdeburg. Billa thought.

Grabbing her keys from their usual place, Billa put her leather jacket on and walked out into the cold crisp air. Making her way down the long road, cars occasionally passed by Billa. After a brisk walk, she finally made it to the Kleinschmidt’s residence, but noticed that their car was gone. Looking at the house, Billa noticed that all the lights inside were off. Assuming that no one was home, Billa groaned and started walking back home in the dark.

As she walked, the hairs on Billa’s neck and arms rose as she heard police sirens closed by. Turning around, Billa noticed a black Range Rover was speeding up the road, along with police cars not so far behind. Nothing ever happened in Magdeburg. The only major thing was when a boy was caught smoking at the age of thirteen, but that’s it.

As the car was still speeding up the road, Billa stopped dead in her tracks, her stomach sinking. That wasn’t just any Range Rover speeding, it was Tom Trümper. When the Range Rover was getting closer, Billa did what any normal person in this whole situation would do; she ran like never before.

Seeing her house in the far distance, Billa ran faster, knowing that the car was close and speeding up. When she reached her house, Billa locked the door behind her and tried to catch her breath. After calming herself down a bit, Billa sighed and put her head in her hands. Trying to be realistic about the situation, seeing a wanted criminal drive up her road, was the last thing Billa expected.

Then again, who’s to say he’s going to do anything? Billa mentally added. Nonetheless Billa made her way around the downstairs of her house making sure everything was locked up. She was just crossing the living room to check the back door when she tripped over a pair of discarded boots and hit the ground with a solid thump

Getting up from the floor, Billa stared at kicked the boots into a corner with a huff. When she resumed her journey to the back door, Billa bit back a scream when she heard something from her backyard. Running to one of the windows, she saw headlights and heard a car door slam.

Moving away from the window, Billa’s heart was racing and her head was spinning. She was scared out of her mind. Hearing the back door swing open, Billa heard a male grunt. Slowing her breathing, Billa pondered on ways to get out of her house. She couldn’t go upstairs, because the staircase creaks and if she opened the front door, the locks would make noise.

Hearing footsteps coming from her right, Billa moved to the left and started heading to her dining room. Before she could make it near the dining room, Billa almost screamed when she saw a shadow of a tall male, seeing the outline of muscle and straight hair standing in the doorway to the dining room. Slowly making her way to the kitchen, Billa tried to get out through the back of the door. Her head was screaming go, but something told her not to go, that she was going to leave something important . She didn’t care at the point. All Billa cared about was getting out.

When she neared the island in the middle of the kitchen, she noticed the back door was just opposite of her. Taking a silent breath, Billa was about to make her way out, until a husky voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

“I wouldn’t do that, kitten,” The voice growled.

Billa dared herself to turn around, but something made her stop. That something was a cold metal barrel at the back of her head. Feeling tears prick out of her eyes, Billa knew it was a gun. Letting out a shaky breath, the voice continued to talk. His hand found its way around her waist, pulling Billa closer to his body, the gun still pressed firmly at her head.

“Now I am going to ask questions, kitten,” He purred in Billa’s ear, making her feel more scared than she already was. “Do you understand?” Billa slowly nodded, feeling the end of the gun, moving with her.

“What’s your name?” He asked. Billa gulped and whispered.

“Billa Kaulitz.”

“And how old are you, Billa?” He asked, her name rolling off his tongue.

“I’m nineteen.”

“Well Billa, I’m Tom Trümper. You probably have heard of me, if not, you wouldn’t want to know. Anyway, I’m Tom and I’m twenty-three years of age. You Billa Kaulitz…” Tom paused.

“W-What?” Billa stuttered.

“You’re coming with me now.”

Part 2

“You're coming with me now.” Tom whispered in her ear. Billa let out a shaky breath, so desperately wanting to fight back. But she couldn’t, Billa wasn't strong or brave or cunning. She had a gun to her head, and she could be dead in three seconds flat. Her breathing was uneven, and Billa was positive that tears were rolling down her face by now. Hearing the police sirens go past, Billa could tell Tom heard them too by the way his body tensed. The sirens slowly faded out, Billa losing her chance of hope. Finding the courage, Billa looked at Tom and spoke.

“W-Why me?” She asked softly. Tom chuckled darkly and pressed his lips against her ear. “You're pretty. Your whole appearance screams innocence. I’m gambling you.” Billa sucked in a sharp breath.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m gambling your life Billa. Your life for my freedom.” Tom stated, his grip around Billa tightening.

“What if I say n-no?” Billa hissed in pain.

“Like I said, your life.”

“You’ll kill me?” Billa asked.

“Or keep you for my…own pleasures.” Tom said with a grin. Billa’s breathing stopped, her heart thumped against her chest. It felt as if the oxygen was being sucked away and her soul was being torn from her body. Tom turned Billa around, so their faces were inches apart. Billa looked into Tom’s dark green eyes, full of anger, possessiveness, lust, and power. His dark black straight hair was tied messily in a bun on his head. He had muscular arms and a lip ring on the left corner of his mouth. He was wearing a white t-shirt with no sleeves, black jeans and boots. Tom smirked to himself, clearly enjoying the power he has over Billa.

“Now, this is how it's going to work. You’re coming with me, whether willingly or not, you’re coming. If you even think about screaming or making some sort of communication with anyone, I will not hesitate to kill you.” Billa gasped but slowly nodded, fearing for her life. Tom smirked when Billa “agreed” with his terms, which were more like commands. Tom grasped Billa’s hips and turned her around once more, but the gun was gone. Tom’s hands started roaming down her body, his hands lingering on her bum for a while.

“Where’s your phone?” Tom demanded. Billa pointed towards the living room where she had dropped it while trying to get away. Tom yanked her towards the living area with him, breaking her phone with a proud look. Before Billa could protest or scream, Tom snapped Billa’s wrists into handcuffs and picked her up over his shoulder. When they reached the back of the house, Tom tossed Billa carelessly in the car, before strapping her in and getting in on his side. Locking the car doors, he revved up the engine, and drove out of her back garden, speeding down the road. More tears streamed down Billa’s face as she looked at her reflection in the window. Her hands were cuffed in front of her and she was a mess. To her right was a murdering, kidnapping freak. Billa had done nothing wrong in her life ever. She has never told a lie, she always got good grades, and stayed out of trouble. But here she is now.

Billa noticed a girl standing on the sidewalk just ahead, her face turned the the direction of the Range Rover. As they drew nearer Billa could see that the girl was scowling, and shaking her head like a disappointed sibling.

Billa’s attention was drawn away from the girl when Tom flicked on the radio, but songs were cut off due to an important news announcement.

“Where are we going?” Billa whispered, her voice cracking.

“France, we’ll start there.” Tom replied, his eyes fixed to his surroundings, making sure they weren’t being followed. “I Miss You” by Blink 182 came on and Tom hummed along with it, still looking around. Half way into the song, it was cut off by the news reporter.

‘Tom Trümper, age 23, green eyes, black hair, tattoos, about six feet tall has escaped Berlin prison. Citizens are advised to stay indoors and lock all windows and doors. Trümper is a dangerous man and is not to be messed with.’ Billa sighed to herself and laid her head against the window. If only she had listened to those warnings. But now here she is, stuck with a wanted criminal.

Stuck with Tom Trümper…​​​​​​​

Part 3

Billa stared at the bag of clothes Tom gave her.

“Wh-What are these?”

“To hide your identity. Now remember, one word and you’re dead.” Tom threatened. Billa gulped and nodded, walking into the bathroom. Changing quickly in the stall, Billa saw a fake passport in the bag. Taking a deep breath, she put on the clothes and walked back out of the restrooms. Waiting for her just outside the bathroom was Tom, she saw him wearing sunglasses, and a black hoodie with the hood up. Tom saw Billa and grabbed her by the arm.

“Next please!” The officer called. Billa took a step forward where he looked at her passport.

“Remove your glasses please.” Doing as she was told, the officer looked at her and smiled. “Next!” Tom stepped through.

“Sir, may you remove your glasses?” The officer asked politely.

“I’m blind.” Tom mumbled.

“Oh....okay… um, next!” The officer called out again. Tom grabbed Billa again, handing their tickets in. Tom pushed Billa towards the plane, making her sit by the window. Soon after, the plane took off and Billa’s heart was racing, her mind confused. She was shaking in her seat; tears were slipping down her face as they took off.

“It’s for the best.” Tom whispered in her ear.

“How?” Billa snipped.

“You’re with me.” Tom winked. Billa rolled her eyes and looked out towards the dull sky, the rain slowly falling. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Don’t try anything now,” Tom warned. Billa nodded and walked into the free bathroom. Trying to steady her breathing, Billa sighed and looked down at her feet. If only her parents could see her now. Billa wondered what they would think of her, what her parents would think of their daughter being kidnapped. She wondered if her mother and father even missed her. Slowly looking up from the floor, Billa stared at her reflection and gasped. She saw her tears dripping down from her cheeks and her eyes swollen from all her crying. Billa looked like a mess, she looked different. Billa was the girl who did all her homework, who would wear big jumpers and fluffy slippers around the house. She was the girl who wasn’t reckless, she was the good girl.

“This isn’t me.” Billa mumbled to herself. Stepping out of the restroom, Billa nearly ran into a girl about her age dressed in black and leather. The girl had dark hair which was pulled to one side and had worn a beanie over the top. The girl also had three black dots in a descending line on her forehead and snake bites. After saying sorry, Billa walked back to her seat, her tears continuing to fall.

“Are you crying?” Tom asked, turning Billa’s face to look at him. Billa jerked her face away, but Tom grabbed her chin, making her stare at him. “Why are you crying babe?”

Really why am I crying?

“L-Leave me alone.” Billa stuttered.

“Billa…” Tom started, but Billa interjected.

“P-Please,” Billa whimpered.

“I know this is wrong, but I have to.” Tom sighed and pulled her body against his.

“I can’t go back there…” Tom mumbled, more to himself than to Billa. Billa didn’t try to move when Tom held her close to him, as he fell into a deep sleep. Looking down at Tom, Billa tried to think of a way to escape. She could slip out of his arms, take off his hat and glasses, and tell one of the workers on the plane to be free of this. Or, Billa could keep her mouth shut. Billa had to be free, she had to go home, but she couldn’t. Billa was having an adventure, even if it was with a crazy kidnapping criminal. For once, she was thrilled and excited. As messed up as it sounds, she was. She was thrilled to be doing something different for once, to be doing something… wrong. Billa would probably be in a mental home if anyone heard her say that, but it was true as the sky was blue. Taking another deep breath, Billa rested her head more comfortably on Tom’s chest as it rose. His arms were tighter around her and he kissed her head, but Billa didn’t think he meant to. Closing her eyes, knowing she won’t be going home soon, Billa thought Tom might not be that bad.

Then again, he was a criminal. But there was something familiar about him…. Something in those greens eyes, almost a vulnerability...

Part 4

“And where do you think you’re going young lady?” A woman asked sternly.

“Out with friends,” Billa replied.

“Oh really? Well, you’re not going anywhere. The only place you’ll be is in your room studying.” Her mother said.

“I’ve been studying all week! And besides shouldn’t you be trying to find Jorg? He’s probably out cheating on you!” Billa replied and Simone’s face darkened.

“Billa you are grounded.” Simone said matter-of-factly.

“Why are you treating me like a little kid? Dad would let me go.” Billa replied with anger.

“Your Charles isn’t here Billa! Now go to your room!” Simone shouted.

“No Simone! I’m leaving!” Billa yelled.

“And where would that be?” Simone asked.

“Anywhere but here!”

“Billa Kaulitz, if you leave this house, don’t bother coming back.” Simone scolded. Billa huffed.

"Fine, I won’t.”

Billa jolted awake, her eyes opening too quickly, making them burn due to the sun. Rubbing her eyes, she saw that she was in an empty car, that Tom had stolen a few days ago. Tom and Billa had been driving for days now. She doesn’t even know where they’re heading to, or what Tom has planned. He still scares her tremendously. Anyone would be if they were in her situation. The cold France air made Billa shiver, and so did the car. Wrapping her jacket close to her body, Billa shivered, waiting for Tom to come back. Looking outside, she saw the cold, grey skies above them, letting the mixture of rain and snow fall gently. Billa saw Tom come out of the station and climbed in the car, his hair was wavy, rather than straight.

Pulling his hat on his head, Tom handed Billa a hot tea. She sipped slowly, while Tom started up the engine of the car and sped out of the station.

“You okay, Billa?” Tom asked, glancing at her. Billa nodded and continue to sip her tea as Tom joined onto the main road.

“Where are we going?” She asked, taking a gulp of the hot drink, hoping it would warm her up.

“London,” Tom replied, switching lanes and following the French signs.

“Why?” Billa asked, watching the passing cars overtaking Tom.

“I have a friend up there, he could help us. Well…me anyway.” Tom replied. She nodded and fiddled with her fingers, looking out the window. Passing by a hill, Billa sighed and imagined herself sitting on the hill. She could imagine the wind tussle through her hair, the breeze tickling her cheek, her eyes drooped to the ground. That was just her imagination. She stared over the windblown landscape, dark thunder clouds were forming in the distance over high mountains. Billa felt all alone, horrified at the position she was in. She assumed someone would notice her disappearance, but she was wrong. Here she was, sitting in the car of Tom Kaulitz. They say someday my prince will come, but that phrase Billa could not believe. With no one to hold her, nobody to whisper sweet melodies in her ear, she kept staring over the horizon. She was stuck with Tom, and she knew it for a fact. Her misery settled like a damp towel, covering each and every glint of hope that she had left. Billa sat in the passenger seat feeling tired and vulnerable.

“By the way, we need to buy you a dress.” Tom spoke up after an hour of silence. Billa looked at him confused. “Why?”

“My friend is rich and is hosting a ball, so in order to get to him, we need to dress up. I have a suit, but you need a long dress.” Tom said simply. Billa sighed and nodded. “Who’s your friend?”

“Well, there are two. The other one is in New York. The one in London is my best mate, Andreas Müller" Tom responded. As soon as that name left Tom’s lips, her eyes went wide and she felt terrified. Billa had heard of Andreas. He’s one of Germany’s top criminals as well. Apparently, he’s worse than Tom. Andreas was harsher, meaner, and stronger. Andreas was an average height male with fair skin. His eyes were light-brown and his blonde hair swept to one side. Reporters said how Andreas shot his girlfriend because she annoyed him. It is also said that he is a lead drug supplier, lead arms supplier and the first man to attempt to kill the queen herself.

“Relax Billa, he’s not going to hurt you. He wouldn’t dare, you belong to me now.” Tom stated. Billa looked at him as if he was crazy, but decided not to say anything. She didn’t want to anger Tom. He could shoot in her seconds and no one would know. After a few more hours of silence, Tom pulled up outside a posh looking hotel. Tom grabbed their bags and harshly grabbed Billa’s hand, pulling her into the warm hotel. Reaching the front desk, Tom started speaking fluent French to the concierge. After a few moments, the male gave the key to their room and Tom pulled Billa into the elevator. She had always wanted to go to France, but not with a criminal. Let alone Tom Kaulitz. Getting off on the tenth floor, Tom walked down the corridor, while Billa tried to keep up with his fast pace. Tom finally stopped at the end door and opened it up, which revealed a beautiful suite. Tom pushed her in gently and locked the door, setting the bags down. Billa walked around the room, heading over to the large window. Opening the French doors, Billa gasped, exposed to the most beautiful view of a garden with a fountain in the middle. She could feel Tom watching her, but she didn’t pay any attention. She was just amazed.

“I’m going to shower…don’t try anything.” Tom announced and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Down in the courtyard below there were people milling about but one caught her eye. Someone stood motionless in the center, their face turned up in Billa's direction.

Even from this distance she could feel that their eyes were on her. The figure suddenly turned away and walked into a door at the far side of the courtyard. Billa looked over her shoulder and went to her bag, pulling out something to wear. Pulling a striped blue and white sweater and black knee socks, she pulled her shirt off and put on the sweater.

Sitting on the soft bed, she proceeded to putting her black socks on and then tied her brown hair in a bun. Once she was done getting dressed, Billa climbed into the large bed and shivered at the cold sheets. Closing her eyes, she lied down and let a tear escape her eye.

Feeling a warm thumb wipe away her tear, Billa opened her pale orbs, which locked with the green ones of Tom Kaulitz. She sniffled and stared, not breaking it off. Tom stared at her, worry, concern and lust filled in his eyes. She looked down and buried herself deeper into the duvet, closing her eyes again. Tom climbed in next to her, not too close, but not far away either.

Billa could feel his body heat on her back and bare legs, which she was glad of, because she was freezing. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that Tom’s back was facing her and sighed. Closing her eyes, she let sleep take over her.

Part 5

The soft music filled Billa’s ears, the smell of smoke and alcoholic beverages shot up her nose. Andreas was known for throwing wild parties, and this was one of them. There were dancers on the tables, sexy girls dealing out the cards for poker, scarf dancers high up from the ground floor. Men were dressed in suits, while the ladies were dressed in long gowns, mostly black. Here Billa was, wearing a long red gown, standing out from the crowd. Tom had a tight grip on Billa’s waist as he pushed his way through the guests. It wasn’t that hard to see which one was Andreas, as he sat on a throne like chair, several girls around him. Tom smirked as he got closer and closer. Andreas caught their eye and grinned evilly.

“Well, well, well, never thought I would see you Thomas.” Andreas chuckled, pulling Tom into a hug, patting each other the back.

“Nice party mate,” Tom replied, winking at the English girls. Billa wouldn’t be jealous if he slept with them, he did kidnap her after all. Andreas looked at Billa, scanning her up and down, licking his lips in the process.

“You got a nice one here, Trümper .” Andreas smirked, his eyes landing on Billa’s chest for a while, before staring at her.

“Billa, this is my friend Andreas Müller. Andreas, this is Billa.” Tom introduced the two.

“Andreas Müller,” Andreas winked, kissing Billa’s hand. Billa couldn’t help but let a blush creep onto her face. In the corner of her eye, Billa saw Tom glare and narrow his eyes, but she shrugged it off. Glancing around Billa, noticed a girl dressed far more elegantly than the other women. She wore a midnight blue dress with a beaded flower that wrapped around her left side and onto the bum of her dress. Her hair was held back by an antique hair ornament and her arms were adorned with gorgeous bracelets. When the she turned around Billa saw that it was the girl from the plane; when the she saw that Billa was looking at her, she nodded before disappearing into the crowd. Bills couldn't help but feel like she was still watching her.

“So, where did you find this one?” Andreas asked, tearing Billa's attention away from the crowd and back to them.

“This isn’t an escort, Andreas. This is Billa, the girl I kidnapped. Remember I told you?” Tom said in a hushed tone. Andreas did a double take on Billa and then smirked.

“Oh, so we’re keeping her then?”

We’re?! Billa screamed mentally to herself.

“Yeah, it’s her life for my freedom. If they say no, I’ll either kill her or keep her.” Tom said. Billa felt her body go numb and stiff. She felt scared that she could possibly be a hostage of two criminals. Also, Billa was scared that if nothing goes as planned, Tom would kill her.

“You should keep her. She looks like a good time.” Andreas snickered. Tom let out a low chuckle, before grabbing Billa to his side. Andreas chuckled and looked at Billa.

“So, when do we fly over to our old pal Georg Listing?” Billa heard Tom growl at the mention of the name, while Andreas smirked at him.

“Oh come on Tom, you’re still not pissed at him are you?” Andreas mocked. Tom glared at Andreas.

“No. I just simply don’t like him.”

“Suit yourself,” Andreas chuckled before yanking Billa out of Tom’s grip. “I’m taking your girl for a dance.” Tom narrowed his eyes, but did a simple nod. Billa was dragged down to the middle of the dance floor by Andreas, pulling her against his body. Andreas wrapped an arm around her waist, his large hand taking Billa’s much smaller one. Billa rested her hand on his shoulder, while holding the other one in his hand. As they started to sway to the soft music of violins, Andreas leaned down and whispered in Billa’s ear.

“Are you scared sweetheart?”

Billa gulped and whispered, “No.”

Andreas and Billa both knew that was lie. They both knew that she was scared. Who wouldn’t be? Being kidnapped in the middle of the night by a wanted criminal, who is going to use you, and travels across the world to meet his criminal friends, isn’t exactly what Billa had in mind.

“I see why Tom’s uses you. You’re so innocent, scared, and easy to control,” Andreas let out a low chuckle, and Billa bit her lip as he continued. “I hate to break the news to you sweetheart, but the police, FBI, CIA…they’re not going to let Tom on the loose for your life. When Tom trades your life for his freedom, they are going to say no. You either end up dead or he would keep you. Either way Billa…you’re not going home...” Andreas got closer to Billa’s ear, giving a small kiss on her ear lobe before he whispered the last thing Billa wanted to hear.

Part 6

Andreas got closer to Billa’s ear, giving a small kiss on her earlobe before he whispered the last thing Billa wanted to hear.

“You’re Tom’s hostage...forever…” Billa’s breathing stopped, her heart began to race. Her thoughts and emotions were everywhere. Billa knew that Andreas was probably right. The FBI, CIA, and police would never let a dangerous criminal loose for a girl. They would cover it up and pretend that she never existed. She would never get to go home back to her lonely house in Madgeburg. She would never see Mr. and Mrs. Evergreen. Billa would always be on the run, always be there to please Tom and possibly Andreas plus Georg. Or she would end up dead.

“Andreas, we need to go now.” Tom whispered behind Andreas, his eyes darker with worry and anger written on his face.

“Why?” Andreas asked, still swaying with Billa to the music.

“Gustav Schafer is here in London. They’ve been tracking us.” Tom snapped. Billa had no idea who Gustav Schafer was, but it sounded like he scared Andreas and Tom. Andreas grumbled some words, before yanking Billa closer to him, and making their way up a flight of stairs onto the balconies that circled the whole hall. Andreas and Tom stopped and looked down, their eyes scanning the place. Andrea's hand was no longer on Billa’s waist and she gathered this would be a good time to run.

“There,” Tom whispered, his fingers pointed to a blonde with hazel eyes. Tom and Andreas started to argue with each other, so Billa took this chance to escape. Slowly, Billa started to back away, she turned and started to push her way through the party guests.

“WHERE IS SHE!?” Billa heard a voice boom. Billa panicked and started to run down the stairs--quite a feat considering the shoes she was wearing practically had her on her tiptoes--looking for some form of exit. When she turned around, Billa saw Tom and Andreas looking around, yet avoiding Gustav who seemed intrigued by the commotion. It wasn’t hard to spot Billa. Since she was wearing a red dress, she stood out from the rest of the crowd. Then it clicked. Tom made her where the dress so if she ran, he could spot her easily and the shoes were supposed to be hard to walk in let alone run.

“That bastard!” Billa whispered-shouted. Seeing a door to her left, Billa opened it with a lot of force, stumbling down to the ground. Looking up from her brown hair, Billa saw that she was outside. Picking herself up, Billa started running.

“I DON’T CARE MULLER. FIND HER NOW!” Billa heard Tom yell, which only made Billa run further and faster. The adrenaline pumped through her veins, her mind screamed to run. Billa heard the back door slam open and heavy footsteps running after her. Billa ran out into the blinding streets of London, trying to make her way out without getting caught. When Billa turned, she saw Tom running towards her, getting closer and closer. Billa continued to run and took a sharp left which led into a maze of alleyways. Surely Billa would be able to lose Tom in here. Confident, Billa started running through the alleys, taking left and rights turns here and there. Going forwards and then turning back, Billa continued to run, not worried that it was dark and scary, or that there were rats or broken bottles that could cut her feet. She didn’t care that there might be drunk, horny men, or rapists. Anything would be better than going with a criminal. Billa took a right turn and pressed her back against the wall. Tom ran past, letting Billa relax, slumping slightly.

"You know running was stupid." A voice said from Billa's right. Billa looked over and couldn’t really see anyone. Billa would have wrote the voice off as being in her head if it wasn't for the glowing end of a cigarette. "Tom is going to find you, probably well before you even make it out of the alleyways." The figure stepped into the half-light to reveal that it was the girl. She was once again dressed in black leather, a backpack slung over one shoulder.

The girl took one last drag off her cigarette before flicking the butt into a nearby puddle.

"Here, you're going to need this." The girl said taking a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and handing it to Billa.

"I don't smoke." Billa said trying to give it back.

"I know but you will, we all end up smoking in the end. Oh and you should have run to Gustav." She said before disappearing back the way Billa came. Sighing Billa put the pack in her clutch and continued down the alleyway after a minute. Billa hadn't gone more than a few yards before she thought she heard something. Billa let out a scream as she felt arms circle around her waist, pulling her into their chest. Billa screamed, kicked, punched, and bite the person, but they wouldn’t budge.

“Shh,” The person soothed. Billa knew that voice. She knew it all too well. The sweet, sickly, dangerous voice belonged to Tom. His hand pressed over her mouth, his arm pulling her closer into his chest. Billa felt his breath on the back of her neck, his lips pressed up against her ear.

“You really shouldn’t have run, kitten. What did I tell you? I should just kill you on the spot.” Tom whispered, anger lingering in his voice. Billa whimpered and let a few tears fall from her eyes.

“But I’m using you, so you’re lucky I’m not killing you…yet.” Tom hissed, looking into Billa’s tearful pale eyes.

“Now, I’m going to remove my hand. You better not scream. Understand me?” Tom growled. Billa nodded slowly, not moving. Tom’s hand removed itself from her mouth. Billa didn’t make a sound.

“Good kitten,” Tom praised, before snapping the handcuffs Billa had been wearing for a while. Tom then slipped an arm around Billa’s waist again and started to walk, dragging Billa with him towards a black SUV. Tom flung the door open and shoved Billa in, following in suit. The doors locked straight after, and Billa noticed Andreas driving and figure slouched in the passenger seat.

“You caught her then!” Andreas sneered. Tom grumbled and did a nod, before strapping Billa in and turning to his friend. "Who's that?"

"Just a mouthy chick, she was muttering to herself about telling Gustav about us."

“And you didn’t just shoot her?”

“She looked like she could be useful.”

“Any news on Gustav?”

“Well, he knows we’re heading to New York to find Georg. He warned the USA police force, FBI and CIA.” Andreas hissed.

“How do we get over there?” Tom asked.

“I know someone who’s in debt to me. He might be able to help us get to New York.” Andreas smiled evilly, looking at Billa through the rear-view mirror. To say that Billa was scared would be an understatement. Billa was terrified of three people.

Georg Listing…Andreas Müller… The worst of them all, the one person who scared Billa the most…Tom Trümper... but hey at least there's two of us now. Billa briefly regretted the thought, but didn't last long when she saw who it was.

Part 7

Billa looked at herself, if she could even consider herself to be Billa Kaulitz. The blonde wig she had on was a definite pain to her. The grey hoodie, cropped white t-shirt, black skirt, and high-top Converse were not to her liking at the moment. Andreas, Tom, and the girl--who she learned was named Krysten--looked nothing like themselves either. Andreas disguised himself as some business man, while Tom disguised himself as a gangster and Krysten was dressed in sweats and a red wig and sunglasses. The four sat around in the airport waiting for their flight to New York. Tom has never left Billa’s side and Andreas's hand had never left Krysten's arm. Billa should have known that Krysten was right, Billa should have known she wouldn't be able to escape. Even if she did, Billa had no way to get home what so ever.

“I’m going to get a drink,” Andreas announced and walked off, leaving Billa, Krysten and Tom waiting.

“T-Tom?” Billa whispered. Tom turned to her, waiting for Billa to continue.

“Um, w-who is Gustav Schafer?” Billa asked curious to who Gustav was. Avoiding his gaze, Billa heard Tom sigh but felt his eyes bore into her skull.

“He’s a well-known Interpol agent to criminals,” Tom stated and Billa continued to listen. “Gustav plans to take us back, and I don’t plan to go back.” Tom snarled towards the end. Billa nodded slowly and looked around the airport.

Families rushed around, people walked into each other, lines of people waited with signs, and guards watched the chaos for trouble. Billa sighed and closed her eyes, thinking back to her small home. She imagined curling up on the sofa, a mug of tea at hand, just watching T.V. Now, she is here sitting in an airport on the run yet again. When Billa opened her eyes again Krysten was sitting directly across from her; but due to her mirrored sunglasses it was hard to see where she was looking. Then Krysten’s head moved so she was looking just over Billa’s shoulder.

She mouthed something and jerked her head to the left. Billa looked back and saw nothing out of the ordinary. When Billa looked back at Krysten she was looking at the loading gate. Billa started to wonder if perhaps Krysten was suddenly starting to crack under the circumstances.

Then it was time to get in line to board the plane.

“Let’s go Kitten, our flight awaits.” Tom stated, grabbing Billa by her wrist. Andreas reappeared and took Krysen's arm. Whoever the guy was that owed Andreas, Billa was impressed at how well of job he did at making sure they weren’t caught. No one stopped them whatsoever. They managed to get onto the plane without any fuss. Billa’s arm was tightly locked in Tom's grip as they sat down. Andreas sat by the window, Krysten next to him while Billa and Tom were across the aisle with Billa in the aisle seat.

“Tom, Gustav is on this plane.” Andreas said quietly.

“Does he know it’s us?” Tom whispered. Billa looked behind Andreas's shoulder and saw Gustav scanning the seats near them. Billa ignored Andreas and Tom’s conversation, as she looked towards the blonde male. Billa watched as Gustav was on the phone, looking around the plane in the process. The people around were so oblivious to what was going on. The little girl in front of them didn’t know that the most violent crooks were behind her. The old man behind them didn’t realize he was sitting behind Tom Trümper. As Billa continued to mentally note how oblivious the people on the plane were, the plane took off. This only meant one thing. Billa was once again further away from home. Sighing, Billa kept her eyes on Gustav. She knew he could help her. Billa just needed some way to get him to help her without being caught by Müller and Trümper. Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

“Tom…I-I need to use the restroom.” Billa whispered, looking up to see Tom’s dark eyes.

“Five minutes,” Tom told her sternly and Billa nodded.

“Don’t try anything Billa, or you’ll regret it.” Tom warned. Billa nodded and made her way towards the restroom. Billa felt Andreas and Tom watching her like hawks as she passed Gustav. Billa turned around and saw Gustav’s eyes squinting at her. Billa smiled before walking in the bathroom. Staring at herself in the mirror, Billa thought about ways to get out of here. Looking around, Billa’s eyes landed on a bottle of liquid soap. Taking the bottle, Billa pumped some soap, and began to write on the mirror.

Tom Trümper and Andreas Müller, row D, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Smiling at what she wrote on the mirror, Billa hoped that someone will see her message and get her back home. After she washed her hands and dried them, Billa opened the door only to come face to face with Tom. His eyes were dark and angry. Then it occurred to Billa, Tom saw what she wrote. Pushing her back into the bathroom, Tom grabbed Billa by her throat, slamming the door closed.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?” Tom hissed.

“I want to go home!” Billa choked, tears forming in her eyes.

“You can’t go home Billa!” Tom snapped, pushing Billa back and staring directly into her teary pale eyes. Coughing, Billa looked up and saw Tom’s dark eyes. “Get away from me!” Taking a blade out of his pocket, Tom brought it to Billa’s neck and held her against the wall. “Don’t raise your voice at me!” Tears streaming down her face, Billa tried to get out of grip, but he was too strong.

“Why can’t I go home? If you turn yourself in, maybe they’ll consider –” Billa started only to feel Tom grab her by her sweatshirt, bringing her close to his face.

“What part of I’m not going back don’t you understand? It’s your life for my freedom! If they say no, you’re staying with me for the rest of your life. Do I make myself clear kitten?” Tom whispered evilly, pushing Billa back against the wall and putting his blade back in his pocket. Hearing her groan in pain, Tom chuckled darkly, before picking Billa up by her waist and placing her on top of the sink. Staring into her pale green eyes, Tom moved a piece of Billa’s brunette hair back under her wig, and kissed the tip of her nose. Bringing both hands to her face, Tom stroked her pale face, Billa sighing at his soft touch.

“D-Don’t hurt me.” Billa murmured, watching as Tom inched closer to her face.

“So innocent,” Tom sighed and mumbled the last part to himself. “All mine.” Pushing himself against her, Tom leaned forward to Billa, giving the impression that he was going to kiss her. Billa closed her eyes, preparing herself for the kiss. Tom paused and instead, placed a small gentle kiss on her head, and zipping her hoodie back up.

“I don’t want to have to hurt my precious little kitten. So, be a good girl. Okay?” Tom said softly, yet evilly. In shock, Billa nodded and Tom pulled back, lifting Billa’s chin to face him. Wiping the tears away with his thumb, Tom smirked and touched his forehead with Billa’s. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Tom cleaned off what she wrote. When he finished cleaning, Tom pulled them out of the restroom and walked back to their seats, with some dirty looks thrown at them. One person in particular caught her eye; sitting in the seat next to Tom's was Gustav . When they reached their seat, Billa sat down, avoiding any eye contact with Tom or Andreas. Lost in her thoughts, all Billa could think about was what Tom said to her in the bathroom. He had no shame in preparation to kill her. Feeling an arm wrap around her tiny waist, Billa looked to see Tom’s hand holding on to her tightly. Pulling her closely, Tom looked down at the brunette girl and smiled evilly. Moving a strand of her wig behind her ear, Billa flinched and then looked into her kidnapper’s eyes.

“My precious kitten,” Tom said with a grin before nodding off. Tom Trümper: A dangerous man?

'More like a monster.' Billa thought. Suddenly Gustav's phone dinged, alerting him to the fact he got a text. Billa leaned over trying to see the screen. All she was able to see were the words 'Black Alice is on the plane.' Billa leaned back in her seat and tried to remember where she had heard that name before. Looking up at Tom she found him to be snoring softly; she turned to Andreas.

"Um.... Do you know who Black Alice is?" She asked in a low voice and Andreas turned to her.

"Where did you hear that name?" He asked matching her volume. Billa motioned to Gustav who was looking around everywhere but his own row.

"I didn't talk to him." Billa hissed when Andreas shot her an angry look.

"Black Alice is the drug trafficker for the top international gangs, Wonderland. Her branch is supposedly based out of LA." Billa’s eyes widened. A fourth criminal on the plane… It was like she was attracting these people.