Lewistown Skatepark

by Carlee Marquart

February 2017

Coming this summer, Lewistown skateboarders will be having the best days ever! FHS social studies teacher, Luke Brandon is part of a non profit, tax exempt organization called, Make It Happen, which is a local organization. Along with many other people in Lewistown, Mr. Brandon has been wanting to build a skate park for some time, and now it is finally falling into place after Jeff Stevens said it was time to start planning. The estimated cost for the park will be $200,000-$300,000.

Funding for the park is contributed by fundraising and donations, and with every dollar made, Jeff Stevens will match it with an additional donation of $60,000. As of February 15, the park has received $18,000 in donations. The organization has also put in several grants such as he CJ grant and the Kiwanis grant. Before applying for grants or asking for donations, Make it Happen has had to go through several steps in order to make this park happen. The park will be located by Simms Park, behind the museum. The Make it Happen team has had to get permission from Parks and Recreation, the city commission, the historical museum, the Redbirds baseball team, and also from neighbors surrounding the area. In doing so, they have gotten a yes from all these groups. Mr Brandon said, “I was surprised by how many hoops we’ve had to go through, it’s been a long process but everything has been successful.”

With the help from EverGreen Skatepark, located in Portland Oregon, the group will begin to build the skatepark. They will break ground on June 1, or as soon as the ground is no longer frozen. The park could be 21,000 square feet which is the size of five basketball courts, but Mr Brandon says it will more likely be around 15,000 square feet. In addition, there will be no insurance required of the park. As per the park’s regulations, it will be recommended that everyone wears helmets and safety gear, but everyone is at their own risk when riding. It is also prohibited that there be no use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol when being at the park. Mr. Brandon believes that this park will be a great addition to Lewistown. He feels the park will not only bring kids together but also families and neighbors. The park will help decrease vandalism through the community, keep kids out of roadways, and off benches and private property while skateboarding. Mr Brandon says, “It’s going to be a super cool place to hang out for his boys and the community.”