Abandon Poem

by: Madison Lewis

Spring 2017

It happens slowly.

It happens quickly.

It happens.

You wake up one day alone.

No matter how it happens,

You would never notice.

It hurts.

Pain is relative.

Everyone feels differently.

Like you’ve been cut, stabbed.

Like you’ve been shot.

Like you’ve been branded,

Abused, scorned.

You’re left to suffer

By accident.

On purpose.

It is almost impossible

To avoid.


It’s grey.

Either you are the one

who has left

Or who has been left.

It may hurt more to be left,

But leaving leaves scars too.

It’s like running through thorns.

A trail of red remains

To stain the grey.

But the red dries.

It cracks.

So all that is left

Is stained grey.

Even reminders

Of what once was


Sometimes the grey shines

So you can see your reflection.

It isn’t one you recognize.

Soon the grey turns black,

And you too are leaving.

Abandoning life.

It’s inevitable.