We have started a new class novel this term, “Letters from the Lighthouse” by Emma Carroll,  as we begin to learn about the much awaited topic of World War Two.  In English, the children have just completed writing a narrative extract to entertain.  We've been learning how to use direct speech to convey character, as well as to advance the action.  This is a new book for all of us and we're gripped!  In mathematics, the children have covered measurement and percentages.  They have been converting various lengths, capacities and mass ensuring that they can contextualise the amount of something.  We're shortly moving on to ratios. In science, the year 6 classrooms have been buzzing with excitement, quite literally! There's been plenty of hands on experimentation with our new topic, electricity. We are turning our hand to fruit batteries this week.

Undoubtedly, however, the highlight of our learning so far this term has been our Homefront Workshop.  The children immersed themselves in the 1940's with bundles of enthusiasm.  They experienced life as an evacuee in a village school room and then as traders and shoppers in a war time high street.  Apart from the Spam on offer, they enjoyed every moment, including a very loud air raid role play.  The chap running the workshop was deeply impressed by the children's questions and even took the time to research those that he couldn't answer immediately and send answers and photos after the day!

With best wishes,

Mrs Hettema and Mrs Povey