Puffins have had a great start to the term.  We started our new topic of Ancient Egypt with a Now Press Play experience.  They enjoyed training to be scribes and journeying to the underworld on a special mission!   We are very much looking forward to our Egyptian Workshop next week.  The children are welcome to dress up as an Ancient Egyptian for the day.  Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help.  

In our Maths lessons we have been focusing on length and mass.  The children have been reading scales and converting between different units of measure.  In our English lessons we have been focusing on the book 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx' by Joe Todd-Stanton.  The children are just finishing writing their own adventure stories - watch this space!  This half term we are learning about Judaism in RE and thinking about our Dreams and Goals in our PSHE lessons.