Our new topic this half term is, 'SEASONS'.  We have been thinking about our seasons in Science and what sorts of clothes me might wear in the different seasons.  Can your child name the four seasons?  In Geography we have also been learning about our seasons, as well as the months of the year. We have been thinking about which months of the year are in each season. 

In English we have been reading, 'Winter Sleep : A Hibernation Story', by Sean Taylor and Alex Morss. It tells the story of a small boy who goes to visit his grandmother in the different seasons and the changes he observes in the forest nearby as a result. We have been learning all about hibernation and what this means for different animals. The children have been writing reports on the hibernation habits of bats, bears and hedgehogs. We have also started this week a truly beautiful book, 'The Robot and the Bluebird'. We will be exploring this book and writing recounts on the Robots experience. This is a wonderful book that will produce great writing from the children.  Below you'll see some fabulous pictures of the children acting out the story!

In RE we are exploring the life of Jesus and the stories Jesus told. A lovely unit of work, the children will be drawing on their previous learning with the Nativity story to build on the life of Jesus. 

Marty the Robot has been introduced to the class this term. They are learning about how robots need instructions to do things and how these are called algorithms.   In Maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction to twenty.  In Art we are focusing on prints this half term. The children have been using their hands to make prints, and exploring how different rubbings can be created from the textures of various objects. In PSHE we are exploring 'Dreams and Goals'.  The children have shared with Jigsaw Jack things they are proud of, and we have discussed how we need to take steps towards a goal in order to achieve it! 

We are also having our forest schools, sessions are on a Monday and the children are really enjoying them. Hopefully the worst of the cold weather has passed, but the children will be expected to be outside in coats and wellies. The children will not be able to join in, if they do not have wellies.