Year 4 have had a fantastic first two weeks back.  We have started many new topics, such as Anglo Saxons, States of Matter and Still life drawing as well as balancing and moving on a line in PE and 'What Jesus said about God's kingdom and why is was Good News' in RE.

In English we have begun to read our very first longer chapter book in English, 'Danny Chung does not do Maths'.  We learnt about the important characters in the story and chose one of them to write a character description about.  We have also started learning about apostrophes and how they are used. 

In Maths we are looking at how to show information in tables and graphs.  We have learnt about bar graphs, line graphs and pictograms so far. 

Role-playing meeting a King or Queen in RE.

Researching one of the miracles from the Bible.

Using core muscles and balancing skills to walk forwards and backwards on a line in PE.

Starting our descriptions of our own creatures inspired by Danny Chung in English.


Year 4 will be again be taking part in the statutory Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term. All children are expected to know their tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. Please support your child to become as fluent as possible as this will increase their confidence across every area of Maths. 


Our Homework continues to be Maths and English through Century.  This will be uploaded on Thursdays and due the following Thursday.  Unless we have had a message from parents with a reason, any children who have not completed the Century homework by Thursday morning will be asked to complete this on Thursday during their lunch time.

Please continue to work on Times Tables with your child.  They will be given flash cards for each times table over the next term, so please print these off and practise with your child.   It is very important that they are building up their speed when answering questions, as they need to be able to answer these in under 6 seconds. 

Our Topic homework will be an Anglo Saxon passport, where the children will find out about how Anglo Saxons lived.  The children will be given the passport as a paper copy and one will be linked to Google classroom as well.  The children will need to complete their homework on that sheet.  It will be due on the first Monday after half term, 19th February.

Some examples of our fantastic Geography homework on temperate rainforests from last term.