Click here for the Home Learning Guide for Year 6

This week's learning......

English -  Continuing with our class text 'Holes', we have completed our persuasive leaflets encouraging people to come to Camp Green Lake.  We are now designing our own lizard species thinking about its appearance, special features and habitat. 

Maths -  We have just completed our unit on fractions.  Over the last couple of weeks children have been securing their knowledge of multiplying and dividing fractions

DT - We have started our project looking at Mexican food. Children have been researching Mexican food and then developing their choping skills and tasting and evaluating a range of ingredients which they will use to create Mexican wraps.

PSHE -  We have been focusing on anti-bullying week in PSHE. Children took part in workshops last week and then have been applying these to different scenarios this week.  The children have been considering different way power can be unbalanced and what to do if  they experience bullying or see it happening.

Science - In Science, children have been learning about Gravity and carried out an investigation to learn about the difference between weight and mass. 

History - We have started out topic on the Mayan Civilisation by looking at the key events and putting these on a timeline.

Upcoming learning......

English - Children will be writing non-chronological reports about the lizards they designed this week. 

Maths - Children will be starting their new Maths topic learning about decimals.

PSHE - We are continuing to think about bullying and developing  range of strategies for managing feelings in bullying situations and for problem-solving.

History -  Children will be learning about the Mayan Religion and their writing and numbering system.

Science - We will be looking at friction and air resistance and the children will be carrying out experiements to see how different aspects impact these forces.