Click here for the Year 3 Guide to Home Learning

This week's learning...

Last week the children completed their setting descriptions during our writing lessons. The children really thought carefully about their vocabulary and ensuring they entertain through their writing. This week we have begun to explore Kenning poems. The children enjoyed performing some of the poems in small groups. In maths, the children are learning to apply their knowledge of the 3x, 6x, 4x, and 8x tables when dividing. The children have been especially focused on finding groups of instead of sharing. The children have continued their rivers and mountains learning by learning about tectonic plates and different types of mountains. During our RE lessons, the children are exploring the true meaning of Christmas and have learnt about the significance behind different christmas traditions. During our financial education lessons, the children have been exploring budgeting through the stimulus of planning a party - as you can imagine the children have throughly enjoyed this. 

Upcoming learning...

Over the next few weeks, the children will be completing some assessments for reading, GPS and maths as well as planning and writing their own kenning poems during our writing lessons. The children will also recap some of their prior learning and continue their division work in maths as well. We also have our visit to The Natural History Museum and will be completing some work which will link to our whole school community project. Our RE lessons will continue to look at the meaning of Christmas to Christians by exploring the Christmas story and its significance. During our science lessons, the children will learn how fossils were formed and explore what the soil is made up of.