This week's learning.....

This week our story of the week has been 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have enjoyed getting busy and competing our different star challenges for example: using our fine motor skills to trace a gingerbread man, writing lists of the Gingerbread Man's favourite animals and making split pin gingerbread men.

In writing this week we have been using our phonics knowledge to hear sounds and then write CVC words, this was the children's first time of sitting down and using a phonics mat with an adult and they all did amazing phonics and writing! We are very proud of them.

In maths our number of the week has been number 6 and we have been looking at the composition of 6 and the different way 6 can be represented. We have also looked at weighing and have used the vocabulary heavier and lighter. We even used scales to make our own gingerbread men.  

We have been continuing to use leaves in our art work and this week we have been painting pictures of leaves and we were looking at how we can make the texture different by using different painting tools such as paintbrushes, forks and toothbrushes. 

This week, Polar Bears have been super busy taking part in World Nursery Rhyme Week 2023. We have loved celebrating different nursery rhymes and we have completed different activities for the nursery rhymes each day.

Jack and Jill- Decorating pails of water!

Hickory Dickory Dock- Making our own clocks!

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes- We played Simon Says!

Row, Row, Row your boat- Floating and sinking experiments! 

The Wheels on the Bus- Making maps and following a route using buses!

We even dressed up on Thursday as our favourite nursery rhyme characters- we all looked amazing and have thoroughly enjoyed singing different nursery rhymes. Well done Polar Bears!

Upcoming learning.....

Maths - We will be using time related language and will sequence different events. We will also be exploring and representing patterns within numbers up to 10 using egg boxes. 

English/Phonics -  We will be learning the last phase 2 sounds and will begin to solidify this learning. We will also be sequencing the story of the week and orally retelling it. 

Understanding the world - We will be taking part in a craters on the moon investigation. 

Expressive art and design- We will be using our leaf rubbings and leaf paintings to make our own tree artwork.