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This week's learning...

This week in Maths Year 2 have been working on division. We have looked at two different methods: sharing and grouping. In writing, we have been learning about the present tense verbs and adverbs. In RE, we have been learning about the story of Lord Ganesh and why he is important to Hindus. In Art, we have been learning about what Remembrance day is and then created our own poppies using felt tip pens and oil pastels. In Science, we have been learning about what recycling is and why it is important to recycle. We then sorted the different types of rubbish into the correct bins. As part of AntiBullying week, Year 2 enjoyed celebrating Odd Socks day by having a discussion on kindness and creating their own odd socks. 

Upcoming learning...

Our topic is: Land Ahoy

Maths: In Maths, we will continue to learn about division and the inverse calculations.

Writing: In Writing, based on our Power of Reading text ‘How I Became a Pirate’ we will be writing a job application for a Pirate.

Science: In Science, we will be learning about up cycling and thinking about the different items that could be up-cycled.

History: In History, we will be learning about different Pirates and their lives as a pirate. 

DT:  In DT, we will be tasting different types of bread.