Click here for the Home Learning Guide for Year 6

This week's learning......

English -  Last week,  the children imagined they were Stanley from our book 'Holes' writing a letter home to his mum. This week, we have continued reading 'Holes' and the children have been planning and starting to re-write a small section of the story in their own words.

Maths -  Children have continued to secure  their long division process knowledge and then started to think about prime and composite numbers and working out factors of different numbers.

Art -  Children have been deconstructing boxes focusing on redesigning the product.

PSHE -  We have been thinking about our own goals for the year and what could limit us from achieving these and how to overcome these challenges.

RE -  Children have been thinking about the 5 pillars of Islam and how Muslim's use these to show their commitment to their God.

Geography - We have continued to look at the features of the coastline of Britain focusing on specific examples from the South West coast.

Upcoming learning......

English -  We will be continuing to write and edit our narrative for a section of the story before half term. After half term will be writing to persuade by creating a leaflet about Camp Green Lake.

Maths - We will be moving onto fractions, starting with simplifying fractions and thinking about how bar models can help us to work out problems involving fractions.

Geography - Children will be thinking about how places in Britain have changed over time - focusing both on physical features as well as environmental impacts and human impacts on areas.

Science -  We will be completing our unit on animals including humans by thinking about how different things might effect our bodies.  After half term we will be starting to look at forces in our new Science unit.