Click here for the Home Learning Guide for Year 6

This week's learning......

English -  This week we have been continuing work with our class text 'Holes' and beginning to think about writing to persuade. We have been thinking about the features of adverts and planning and creating a poster or TV/radio advert to persuade people to buy an unusual product!

Maths -  In Maths we have been continuing with our fraction learning and this week have been learning to add and subtract fractions with different denominators.

Art -  We are completing our 2D to 3D projects this week - children have been creating their final food packaging design and reassembling them in creative ways. Finally they are evaluating their projects and thinking about anything they would do differently next time.

PSHE -  We have started looking at our new topic 'Celebrating Differences' by considering what normal means.

Financial Education - Children have been learning about and calculating interest. They have been thinking about how this could impact any money they save or borrow.

Science - We have started our new topic on Forces. Children have been thinking about what forces are acting on an object and how this affects the speed and direction an object moves in.

Upcoming learning......

English -  Next week we will be writing an advert persuading people to send their children to Camp Green Lake from our class text 'Holes'.  We will then start looking at the features of non-chronological reports and the children will start planning their own.

Maths - We will be continuing our work on addition and subtraction of fractions and then move onto multiplication and division of fractions.

PSHE - Children will be thinking about how being different could affect a persons life and how a person or a group of people could have power over others.

History - We will be starting our new topic looking at The Maya Civilisation. Children will start by thinking about the key events during that time and their religious beliefs comparing them to religious beliefs today.

Science -  In science next week Children will be learning about gravity and the difference between weight and mass. They will then be carrying out a science investigation considering whether the mass and weight will be different in objects in the classroom.