Click here for the Parent guide to Home Learning in KS1.

This week's learning.....

In English, we have started our new book, Jack and the beanstalk. We had great fun acting out the story using stick puppets and also wrote our own speech bubbles using exclamation marks. In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction. We learnt what the different symbols mean and have been solving subtraction calculations by crossing out a given number of objects and counting how many are left.  In Science, we have learnt what the five animals groups are; mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish and the different features of each group. We have learnt all about Queen Victoria in History and made our own fact files and in Design and Technology we have been exploring hand and finger puppets and looking at their features. 

Upcoming learning.....

 Our topic for the half term is 

Maths - Continuing our topic on subtraction and learning to use a number line to solve subtraction calculations and looking at number stories. 

English - Continuing to look at the story Jack and the Beanstalk and writing sentences using exclamation  marks.

Science - Looking at what animals eat and which animals are herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. 

History - Learning facts about Queen Victoria. 

DT - Designing a puppet and practising sewing using a running stitch, in preparation for making our own hand puppets!