This week's learning.....

This week we have been very busy in Polar Bears, we have celebrated Halloween and Bonfire night. We have been getting very messy with coloured spaghetti, phonics sounds stuck in jelly, making potions and our own edible sparklers! The children have been working really hard on their fine motor skills and have enjoyed hammering golf tees into pumpkins. We have loved making Halloween cards and the children had a go at copying an adults writing. In our understanding the world session we have discussed about people celebrating Bonfire night and different rules and ways we can keep safe around sparklers, fireworks and bonfires. 

In maths we have been continuing our learning of 2D shapes and have been on shape hunts and played what shape is in the bag. The children have loved trying to guess what shape is being described! In our literacy and communication and language sessions we have been learning about what rhyming words are and we have tried to identify ones which are in our story of the week 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson. The children are continuing to become more confident with their blending in phonics and we have learnt new diagraphs ll, ss and ff. 

Upcoming learning.....

Maths -  We will be comparing quantities of groups by using the vocabulary 'greater than, less than and the same as' and we will be looking at weighing ingredients. 

English/Phonics - We will be matching words to their initial sound and we will use print and letter knowledge in our early writing.

Understanding the world - We will be learning about the festival Diwali and we will be using different vocabulary to describe the changes that happen when cooking. 

Expressive art and design- We will be using different materials to complete a leaf rubbing activity and we will then speak about the details on the leaves.