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This week's learning...

What a fantastic start to this half term Year 2!

This week in maths Year 2 have been working on multiplication focusing on their 5 and 10 times table. In Writing we have been identifying past tense words in a text and being able to write sentences using past tense verbs. In RE this week we have been learning about different gods and goddesses in Hinduism looking closely at their qualities and characteristics and being able to describe ourselves and what qualities we have. In PSHE, we have been learning about the similarities between boys and girls.

Upcoming learning...

Our topic is: Land Ahoy

Maths: In Maths, we will be learning about division (sharing and grouping methods).

Writing: In Writing, we will be writing a diary entry from Captain Cook based on our Power of Reading text ‘Meet Captain James Cook’.

Science: In Science, we will be learning about what recycling is and why it is important.

History: In History, we will go on a treasure hunt in school and learn about Sir Francis Drake. 

DT: In DT, we will be learning about how bread is made and the different types of bread.