
Support for students from a Black background

Bayo -

Bayo is a space to find collectives, organisations and services from across the UK – run by and for the Black community – to support your mental health and wellbeing. Developed by The Ubele Initiative, Mind, Young Minds and Best Beginnings, Bayo was funded by National Emergencies Trust and is run by The Ubele Initiative.

Young Black Minds -

Young Black Minds is a Leeds Mind service in partnership with Black Health Initiative, open to male-identifying Black individuals, aged 16 to 30, who live in Leeds.

It will create closed peer support community groups based on shared personal experience and empathy, focusing on strengths to help develop skills and strategies to maintain mental health and wellbeing. The delivery of each group is co-produced with its group members to meet their specific needs.

Black Minds Matter -

This organisation offers a podcast where you can listen to a collection of young people, youth workers, community leaders sharing their experiences, advice and lessons from the world of Black Mental Health. 

Nurture Young Black Minds -

Nurture Young Black Minds (NYBM) is an organisation which champions, promotes and advocates for the mental health of black children and young adults. NYBM strives to provide and facilitate making therapeutic support  accessible  to all vulnerable young black minds in the UK. 

Student Space - support for Black students

Online peer support workshops for Black (i.e. Black African, Black Caribbean, Mixed with Black heritage, African Diaspora) students.

If you’re a Black student, your experience of the pandemic has probably been shaped by a specific set of forces and lived experiences. It can often be helpful to find support and community with people who share those experiences.

Join their online peer support workshops designed for, facilitated by, and co-designed with Black students. It’s a space where you can learn more about mental health, explore what you’re experiencing, and find self-care and coping strategies.

Black People Talk -

Collaborating with, equipping and empowering Black people with the tools and confidence to take care of themselves and others mentally.

Leeds Mind - Peer support for young people from culturally diverse backgrounds - 

Support for students from an Asian or Arabic background

Dosti - support for women from the South Asian Community

Dosti ⋆ Women's Lives Leeds ( 

The service offers individual and group support to meet the diverse needs of Asian women. Staff speak various Asian languages and have expertise in mental health. Dosti offers culturally appropriate activities promoting a programme of mental health recovery. Dosti is a safe and confidential support service improving women’s mental health in Leeds.

Shantona Women's and Family Centre - About Us | Shantona Womens Centre 

Positive Minds Woodhouse Community Centre - Positive Minds | Woodhouse Community Centre 

Touchstone Support Centre - Touchstone Support Centre - MindWell ( 

Touchstone Support Centre is for Black, Asian and minority ethnic people living in Leeds, who have mental health needs or care for those with mental ill health. The Centre supports people with a holistic approach that includes activity and social groups.

Student Space - support for Muslim students

A helpline service for young Muslims, offering support and signposting seven days a week by phone, Whatsapp, webchat and email.

This service is open seven days a week, 4 pm –10 pm. It is free and confidential.

The helpline is a space to find faith-sensitive support and signposting for whatever challenges you’re facing. The volunteer team will support you with empathy, empowerment, and active listening.

Student Space - support for Punjabi students

Online support spaces and workshops for Punjabi students.

Take part in support spaces and workshops with other Punjabi students, led by an experienced facilitator, for mutual support, discussion and strategies to support your wellbeing.

The following support is offered for Punjabi students:

Leeds Mind - Peer support for young people from culturally diverse backgrounds -

Support for students from a GRT background

Leeds GATE - About Us — Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange, Leeds GATE 

Leeds Gypsy & Traveller Exchange, known more commonly as Leeds GATE, is a vibrant and brave grassroots organisation led by Gypsy and Traveller people in partnership with others in and across West Yorkshire. Throughout the last 20 years of operation, Leeds GATE has a demonstrated an award-winning track record of community activism, social action and member led innovation.